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  • HearPeers Heroes

Finally got all mine out today. Very happy to have them gone but there is always the VERY nervous anticipation leading up as wounds on my head tend to heal very quickly. Not to be too gross but it means they usually have to dig a majority of them out. Not my idea of fun and today was no exception.

you think they would schedule the appointment sooner rather than later but you gotta take the apointment when you can get it. He is the head of neurosurgery and VERY good so is usually always booked ahead.

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Well, if there's any drawback to being a fast healer, I guess that's it.  I'm glad they mined them all out!

God-forbid you have surgery again, but make sure you schedule the staple remover before they even give you the anesthesia Laughing.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Lisa, I asked them to put in a zipper to make the next surgery a little easier but they didn't go for it.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

They just have no sense of humour.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Tell me aboiut it Sandy, I've been trying to loosen Dr. Patel up for years. oh well, thier loss.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Well, of course they could remove it sooner but usually some average time of healing is respected.

But - no junior staff to do that? Surprised

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Ivana the nurse was going to take them out but the doctor happened to walk in at that time. We have a pretty good relationship. he was actually home sleeping at 2 A.M. when the hospital called him about me. Once he hear my name, he said say no more I'm on my way in. He came in at 2:00 to do the surgery. He figured since he was already in the room and he knows i stress about getting them taken out, he decided to do it himself.

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That's a good surgeon you have there, Adam.  He's looking out for you.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Lisa he really is, he has gotten me and my head out of a number of jams. litterally owe my life to him.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Ivana the nurse was going to take them out but the doctor happened to walk in at that time. We have a pretty good relationship. he was actually home sleeping at 2 A.M. when the hospital called him about me. Once he hear my name, he said say no more I'm on my way in. He came in at 2:00 to do the surgery. He figured since he was already in the room and he knows i stress about getting them taken out, he decided to do it himself.

Ahhh....this is something else - if he operated you more than once, this actually is not surprise...

Here, officially staples and stitches take out junior staff (residents), nurse almost never. Legally forbidden - also giving an IV or similar.

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Here in the USA nurses start IVs and take out staples.  As an occupational therapist with a specialty in hand therapy I've removed many sutures myself, applying steri strips as needed.

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