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cow bells


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  • HearPeers Heroes

yep the topic is correct. Not only cow bells but little miniture ones that sit in the palm of your hand.

We had an allstaff meeting last night including spouses. in total there were 300 people there give or take a few. Well each person had a cow bell sitting at thier place at the table. It didn't seem odd as we tend to think outside the box just a smidge.

so we get started and speaker says something that everyone agrees with so all of the sudden 299 cowbells go crazy. that particular pitch, volume, not sure what it was, about sent me through the roof. made for a long evening


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Oh, that must have been painful! You didn't use Option #13 and turn the processor off? That's as bad as my friends thinking its funny crinkling plastic bags!

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Ohh geez, that would make me go crazy, wonder if that bother the hearing person too.

One thing I notice is that I am not hearing the ding ding as much when I start my truck, due to having my high tone lowered a bit yesterday. Now I understand why the higher tone is needed, as it is required to hear certain sound.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Sandy, you better believe it!! My hands couldnt get to my processors fast enough. That is the first time in 2 years that a sound bothered almost hurt. I don't even have more than one program on my remote as it has never been an issue.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Brian, just give it a little time. i had some issues with I think it is electrode 12 being too high , so that was turned way down compared to the rest. we slowly raised it and it is now right in line compared to the other electrodes. PATIENCE!



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OMG - the visual image I have of 299 people sitting quietly but then periodically all picking up and ringing their little bells, over and over - it sounds like a scene from an early Woody Allen movie or something!  So funny!

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