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Possible "Improved" Tinnitus?


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Since activation, and especially as I have started to understand more, I've noticed that when I put the processor on, the first things I hear are a loud, constant tone. For a while I thought this was normal background, but I'm not sure now. A few months before my implant (so it was unrelated), I started having recurring tinnitus, solid tones, that would be louder or softer at different times. Is it possible that this tone is tinnitus that remains?



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Maybe, but it's also possible it's a constant, ambient environment sound.  The other day I asked what that constant buzz outdoors was: crickets.  There are natural/environmental sounds that are constant.  Could it be something like your refrigerator and after a while you tune it out...?

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  • HearPeers Heroes


As Lisa stated it could be environmental that you are not used to. I would touch base with your audi to make sure everything is in working order.

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Thanks, but it's in the same tone as the tinnitus that I started having several months before the implant, and which I still have (loud enough when it starts at night to wake me up, even!). But the when I put the processor (a Rondo) on in the morning, I hear thee tone through the processor, although it usually disappears after about a half hour.



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  • 3 months later...

I have been awakened at night by my tinnitus in my left ear (latest implant).  I gets so loud sometimes it is almost painful.  When it occurs while wearing my CI, I have to remove it otherwise I can't hear anything with the other one.  I hope it will pass in time.

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I have had tinnitus for decades now, but with my recent implant, the tinnitus in my implanted ear has gotten much, much worse and wakes me almost every night. I also have a sharp ringing in my ear with the implant whenever there is a loud or sharp sound that lasts for three to ten seconds or more. Hoping both of these will at least diminish over time and they are just part of the process.



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  • HearPeers Heroes

I had tinnitus in my non-implanted ear prior to my CI. Now I have it in both ears. It has diminished somewhat and is only noticeable when I lack sleep.

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I have noticed the same buzz/hum sound when the device is first turned on.  It's like it has to warm up with that noise and then it dissipates after a few minutes.  It is more noticeable with the Rondo.  I even asked my Audi about it and she had no answer. It isn't environmental because I am noticing it EVERY time I turn the thing on regardless of where I am......my bedroom, the car, the bathroom, at work, etc


The tinnitus I experienced directly following the surgery has gone away now.  I am about 6 weeks post surgery.  After hearing Chris' ongoing struggles with the tinnitus, I am feeling very lucky this is the case for me!

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  • 1 month later...

My tinnitus has been a constant since I experienced sudden hearing loss. I have bilateral CI s and was implanted summer 2012.

I would be interested in the list that was mentioned earlier in the thread reference causes. I have times where the sound is just background noise that is easy to ignore. Other times, it sounds like drums or hammers that are so loud they are all consuming......faster faster faster louder louder louder. I have noticed that some daytime activities in noisy environments result is sleepless nights. Any thoughts? Your input is appreciated .....

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  • HearPeers Heroes


My tinnitus has been a constant since I experienced sudden hearing loss. I have bilateral CI s and was implanted summer 2012. I would be interested in the list that was mentioned earlier in the thread reference causes. I have times where the sound is just background noise that is easy to ignore. Other times, it sounds like drums or hammers that are so loud they are all consuming......faster faster faster louder louder louder. I have noticed that some daytime activities in noisy environments result is sleepless nights. Any thoughts? Your input is appreciated .....


Hi Jan,


noise and stress aggravates the level of tinnitus absolutely.

There is only one successful way of dealing completely - you should level down your stress definitely as you noticed.

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