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  • HearPeers Heroes

Darci, first let me welcome you to hearpeers. Your question is a common one but not that easy to answer. Each person might have a slightly different answer to your question on how or what they heard and how quickly it took. It takes a lot of work for the person as you are relearning how to hear. It also depends on your brain as it has to learn these new sounds as well. each person progresses at heir own rate but I would have to say all agree it is totally worth the surgery. I hope this helps answer your question.



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  • 4 weeks later...

My implant has been activated for one month tomorrow.  I am hearing paper crumble, airconditioners, etc but communication is still very hard.  Mapping yesterday has made these sounds so loud!  Is this common??  Oh by the way......My name is Janet and I'm in Alabama.  I have the awesome Medel Rondo and love it!!  But can't wait until my brain sorts out some of the sound!!

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Hello Janet!   I live in Southern CA, but grew up in Tuscaloosa...undergrad & grad school at The U of A so ROLL TIDE!  Anyway, how exciting that you chose MED-EL and are so happy with the awesome RONDO.  I say that because my Mom lives in Tuscaloosa and was implanted 20 years ago... the only thing she was offered was Cochlear.  I was implanted in July 2010 and continue to be so pleased I chose MED-EL.   You are doing great!  At the end of one month I was questioning my decision because I wasn't doing so great, but by the end of month 3 my CI ear was my dominant ear.  Now I'm seriously considering a CI for my other ear.  To finally answer your question...after each mapping I too feel the sound is loud, and will use my remote to lower the volume BUT within a couple of days or less I'm at the full mapped volume.  Continue to stay positive and be patient with yourself.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Congratulations Janet. I also have the Rondo and love it. When I look at it, it reminds me of R2D2! Yes, the sounds are loud, especially paper and plastic bags. My audiologist in my last session gave me 4 different programs to experiment with. Program 1 was reduced volume on high pitches, program 2 same as 1 but louder volume, program 3 we measured volume but at a comfort level and removed electrode 12 was deactivated and program 4 was FSP for listening to music. For me, at first everything was loud but now it's starting to sound more normal. You should keep a journal of the different sounds you hear and the environment around you. When you see your audiologist, he will have a clearer idea of changes to be made. Hope this helps.

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Janet, Are Darth Vader and the Chipmunks on helium all shouting Roll Tide, roll? they will go away and some close friend of yours will say the same thing and you will understand the phrase, please note I don't say appreciate the sentiment!  what you are experiencing is perfectly normal.  If you are able to control the sensitivity and volume on your FineTuner, you could experiment with self-directed modifications of the sound, without changing the underlying program. How many times have you been mapped?  If this is the first mapping, when you go back ask for a program with the same settings but a lower overall volume. Sandy's post can give you an idea of what to ask for.  please keep in mind that your brain is currently overloaded trying to catalog, categorize and comprehend the environmental sounds around you, the paper, A/C, etc.  welcome back!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

After my third mapping I could hear the fridge kick in. Friends kept asking me before that "You can't hear that noise?" Now I can. Rather hear music. It's amazing how so many sounds later become background sounds. I just noticed today, that walking across the room is not "in my face (or ear)" anymore. PROGRESS, it's a constant!

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Thank all of you for your encouragement.  I am so blessed to have the implant and I am looking toward better "hearing" days!  I have just got to learn patience!!  This was the 3rd mapping for me.   


OH and by the way-----a BIG ROLL TIDE!!!

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