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Doubts Roger Select.


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Doubts Roger Select.

If a person has the Roger pen in mode 3 (Handheld / lanyard mod), and the IC has Roger Mylink, the listening is fantastic. It sounds very, very good, because the background noise is eliminated.

The problem is when there are several people talking at a table. For example, 3 people speak. The Roger pen has its limitations. It goes into Conference mode. But listening is not so good, because the sound of people mixes with the background noise.

Does Roger Select solve this problem? Do you hear people as if Roger Pen were in Handheld mode for each person at the table?

What is the difference in sound quality between Roger Select and Roger Pen? It's the same?

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I prefer the sound quality of Roger Select over the Roger Pen.  When it is set on a table it does great in noise.  It zooms in with beamformer mics.  You can deselect any of the six directions if you prefer to ignore those voices (maybe there is more than one conversation happening at the table and you just want to hear the people in your conversation).


In lanyard or clipped on the Roger Select stays adjusting to the direction of the speaker so it works better when they turn their head etc than the Roger Pen which stays focused directly above it all the time in lanyard mode.


If you enjoy holding the Pen and pointing it in the direction of speakers, you can not do that with Roger Select.

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