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Does anyone use MFI in smartphones as accessibility for auditory or ICs?Does anyone know of a model of smartphone with T coil integrated in the equipment itself? with magnetic signal to connect to ICs by T coil?

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I need to buy a new smartphone with integrated Telecoil to be able to connect to ICs without having to use Artone MAX3.
Which models advise me?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Most cell phones can be used with our CI processors on T.  You just switch to MT or T and hold the phone up to the processor.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I have been able to hear on my Samsung S7 Edge without changing any setting. It's very clear. I can hear both over the speakerphone or regular speaker so you may not need any accessory to use the phone. I think there is something called at HAC rating for phones including smartphones. M4 and T4 are best. Why not try some friends' smartphones or go to the store and try some out with just the CI? 

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I'm going to buy an Iphone 7 for having a more affordable price for me. My cell phone broke down if it was an LG G4.
I just do not understand what "MFI" means in the settings menu for hearing aid accessibility.
I only need to set up the audio of the phone in earphones (T) mode on the phone itself without having to use it for bluetooh or streaming accessory in noisier environments such as the street or at work in the middle of noisy equipment.
I use the artone max3, but does the artone go without a battery when I'm on the street?

I think I've figured it out, got in the audible mode to have the telecoil signal ... or use the voice phone with the Sonnet IC. On the Rondo 2 side I can not because it is still very recent yet it does not have the complete and accurate sound of the two bilateral ICs to have the most filled voice sound.

I've read the article in google research on hearing aid compatibility (HAC) in T-mode and it's explained there.
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