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Questions from a person in the US soon to be implanted

Mary Beth

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi all,

Here are some questions .........jump in and share your responses too.


1.  If there is a chance of preserving residual hearing and therefore benefitting from a Sonnet EAS processor which combines CI and hearing aid input, would you  choose 2 Sonnet EAS processors or 1 Sonnet EAS and 1 Rondo 2 (two processor center in the US)?  Why?


2.  Length of US warranty and how US health insurance covers or doesn’t cover repairs and replacement items.....your experiences?


3.  Present cost of a new Rondo 2 kit without a trade in discount is $9600 per Med-El US website.  https://www.medel.com/us/rondo2

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  • HearPeers Heroes

1.  I do not have residual hearing and did not qualify audiologically for a Sonnet EAS even prior to surgeries.  There are people who really love the combined CI and HA component in the Sonnet EAS.  If I had a lot of low frequency hearing and hoped to benefit from it with the Sonnet EAS, I would choose 2 Sonnet EAS processors.  If I felt strongly that I wanted to use a one piece processor, I would consider using a Sonnet and a Rondo 2 so my listening would be the same in both (all CI).  

2.  Many of the processor pieces are under warranty for 5 years and Med-El customer service is awesome and fast when we have problems.  Some parts of the Sonnet are only under warranty for one year or two years.  Ask Med-El to send you the sheet that lists the various warranties.  I know that mic covers need to be purchased.  Battery doors are only under warranty for one year.  Rechargeable batteries are only under warranty for one year.  Med-El has a full list.

Depending on our individual US health insurance, some replacement items and disposable batteries are covered.  It varies by plan.


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  • HearPeers Heroes

This is an older form.  Ask Med-El for an updated form.




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