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sounds in the implant ear


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Hey Guys

I had my implant activated 2 months ago. I am now hearing a sound whenever I pull on the ear lobe or touch the area behind the ear. This sound is similar to the sound of a guitar string that gradually fades away. Has anyone ever had this experience?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Darcy,

Congratulations on your activation. I haven't had that type of reaction, just tinnitus if I'm stressed or tired. Have you talked with your audiologist?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Darcy


Welcome to hearpeers! I cant say that i have had that sensation. Maybe things have not settled down as far as swellling and the like. If you have not asked your audi about this, you might want to bring it up. she and your surgeon have a detailed knowledge of your hearing and medical history and might have some better insight.




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you mean, that it sounds like a "metal pling". Yes, I have this too, but only once or twice a day. I happens when I'm touching the area of the implant, specially the coil and magnet. It looks like there is a wire (from the coil ?) bending and jumping.


But it's gone away for the time, it now happens not so often as before.


(I'm a user of a BoneBride.)



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Hi Darcy,

I have a very similar thing going on.  I don't 'hear' anything when I pull on my earlobe but I get what call a 'bell tone' every time I vigorously massage that area (as in washing hair), so pressure on the CI spot combined with movement of the pressure gives me that 'tone' every single time.


My surgeon poo-poo'd it but my audi and the MedEl representative present at my last mapping both had a plausible explanation that I can't remember right now but it satisfied me that it's odd but nothing to worry about.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

now that you mention it, sometimes the pillow rubbing the implant when turning over if i dont lift my head makes a weird metalic sound similar to (ok this is going way back) the noise the light sabers made when they hit each other in star wars.

I dont hear it as much as i used to.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I do not hear anything.... Am I a normal Bionic, or not? WinkTongue out

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Trust me Ivana we are all Cyborgs


it was a really weird sound. the only time it would ever appear is if you rubbed the implant itself. anywhere else and i did not hear it. At this point it has pretty much gone.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I am still pretty sure I have never heard anything like that...Undecided

Except, my mics does not like to be covered, but this is not what you are saying...

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"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."



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  • HearPeers Heroes

I am 7of9 - 2 characteristics can be applied to me: blond hair and being bionic. Tongue out

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Yes Ivana It only happened at least to me when the processor was off and something rubbed directly on the implant. It has not happened to me in a while. kind of strange.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Yes Ivana It only happened at least to me when the processor was off and something rubbed directly on the implant. It has not happened to me in a while. kind of strange.


Understood Adam - I just remind that I do not understand the fact that I have not ever had that kind of feeling or sensation...

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I have not talked to too many people that it has happened to so i just assumed it was all in my head so to speak. Kind of like tinnitus maybe.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Ugh, I was on call yesterday (24h in the hospital) and now I am trying to understand what I have wrote in my last comment - and I can't. Please, forget it...Surprised

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  • HearPeers Heroes

after a 24 hour shift i would be pretty useless. totally understood

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