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Hi All

My son is waiting for an upgrade for his opus 2 processor to Sonnet. But due to the high demand for processors, the waiting time is expected to be a bit long. Meanwhile the visiting TOD recommended FM for him to cope up with the noisy classroom environment. We initially thought of waiting for the upgrade to avoid any compatibility issues, but would like to pursue it given the waiting time is longer. Does anyone know whether FM for Med-El is compatible with both processor types ? Many



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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi @Rathish

Yes but Roger receiver options differ.

Roger transmitters (teacher mics) work the same with OPUS 2 and Sonnet processors.

OPUS 2 can use the Roger X (02j receivers plugged into the FM battery door AND set to the CI setting for OPUS 2 processors via the Roger Touchscreen Mic or Roger Inspiro setting controls.

SONNET has an integrated Roger X (02) battery door receiver option.  No additional programming is needed.

SONNET can also use the Roger X (02) receiver plugged into the FM battery door AND set to the CI setting for Sonnet processors (which is different than the setting for OPUS 2 processors) via the Touchscreen Mic or Roger Inspiro setting controls.

Both OPUS 2 and Sonnets can use the Roger MyLink neckloop receiver instead but the above options provide better connectivity/sound quality.


Good luck!

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Hi Mary Beth

Thanks for the detailed information. So in summary, both opus 2 and sonnet can fit to the same hardware, albeit different settings.



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  • HearPeers Heroes


Both OPUS 2 and Sonnet can use the Roger X (02) receivers set to different settings. You would need the FM battery covers for OPUS 2 and also for Sonnet.  (In the US, Sonnet kits have not been including the FM battery cover.  Kits change all of the time so it is wise to check on this with your CI team or Med-El rep.)

ONLY Sonnet can use the Roger 21 receiver.

Both OPUS 2 and Sonnet can use the Roger MyLink neckloop receiver but I do not recommend that option for school due to the need to be on telecoil setting and the possible electromagnetic interference we encounter in schools.  Also because it is less child-friendly than the other options you have.

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