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Roger MyLink with Rondo 1 & Rondo 2

Mary Beth

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The Roger MyLink neckloop receiver along with either a Roger Select or Roger Pen transmitter delivers great speech over distance.  The Roger Select transmitter works well set on a table in noise as well.

The Roger MyLink neckloop receiver comes in two models, type 02 and type 03. Type 03 is cheaper and has less features (no EasyGain setting and can not work with Roger Touchscreen Mic etc).

Med-El US offers the Roger MyLink (02) receiver in activation kits as a connectivity option.

Med-El US does not sell Roger items to users.  We can purchase Roger items through an audiologist or online through international companies that ship to the US (like Connevans).

Phonak’s website states for Rondo users to  use the Type 02 version.

The Type (03) Roger MyLink neckloop receiver may work fine for some adults since it has a volume control on the receiver which can be used to set a comfortable listening level.  

I have only listened to Roger MyLink type (02) receivers so I have no personal experience with the type (03).





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This is all I know about the Roger MyLink type 02 and 03 for adults.  If you choose to purchase the type 03, let us know how it works for you.  Good luck!

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Thx Mary Beth, appreciate all the info, have Appt with audiologist this afternoon...will discuss options with her and provide any info she provides..

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The audiologist stated that the Roger Mylink Type 02 price is approximately $400.00


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I have been in touch with a customer assistant at Hearing Direct, who is helping me to decide whether I want to purchase a MyLink neckloop or having an audio shoe attached to my hearing aid with a Roger receiver. I've just about decided to get the MyLink neckloop for the ease of donning and removing it. The neckloop sells for $179.99 at https://www.hearingdirect.com/us/phonak-roger-my-link-receiver-universal-neckloop.html  I do not know if it is an 02 or 03 but will ask Joan, my customer assistant. $400.00 seems high.

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Keep us posted.

I have seen similar prices to the price you mentioned for type 03 Roger MyLink neckloops.

Just be careful not to purchase a MyLink neckloop.  There are 3 types of Phonak neckloops....

MyLink (This will not work with Roger transmitters)

Roger MyLink (02)

Roger MyLink (03)

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, this is a follow-up to my previous email (posted April 1) about purchasing a Phonak Roger MyLink neckloop from Hearing Direct to use with my Sonnet in one ear and a hearing aid in the other ear.  I was informed by Joan, the customer service rep, that the product was a Roger MyLink (03), so I purchased it for $180 and am completely satisfied. I apologize for not following up sooner. Feel free to let me know if you have questions.  

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Thanks for letting us know.  Roger MyLink neckloop receiver has its own volume control which is why I think type (03) works for many users.  Roger receivers that attach to our processors (Roger X or Roger 21) need to overcome impedance issues which can be set on Roger (02) receivers only.

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