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CI Accessories


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Hello everyone,


Can anyone or does anyone know any site where I can do online shopping for CI accessories (e.g connecting cables, etc)? I have searched a lot but I haven't found any. Thank you in advance.

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I assume you've checked Med-El's own site and not found what you want.

I hope John stops by; he always knows that sort of thing...

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I haven't ordered any accessories online before. I have always called or emailed my customer service representative for my state in the past. They have been wonderful with ordering anything I've needed and sent it to me quickly.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Hello everyone,


Can anyone or does anyone know any site where I can do online shopping for CI accessories (e.g connecting cables, etc)? I have searched a lot but I haven't found any. Thank you in advance.


Elis - like Liza said, contact John, he really knows best recommendations.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I haven't ordered any accessories online before. I have always called or emailed my customer service representative for my state in the past. They have been wonderful with ordering anything I've needed and sent it to me quickly.


Hi Patrice,


we are coming from countries who are much more underprivileged in options. More often there are no representatives at all, that's why this forum is great source of information.

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Hi Elis, the connecting cables and other accessories are normally only available through a clinic or possibly through MedEL. There is a clinic in Tirana and they should be able to help you out.


American Hospital

Rruga Lord Bajron

Prane S.U.Q.U., Laprake Tirana

Dr. Dritan Vasili

Phone: +355 42357535216


If you know exactly what it is you need, you could ask the clinic about pricing and avaiability .

Hope this helps!

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Thank you all for the advices, I was only wondering if there was any online option to purchase accessories so I could have some spare ones for any case. I see such option does not exist so I will contact responsible persons to purchase what I need.

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