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So, I hear a buzzing in my head.


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I had a new experience last night.

I was out briefly in a light misty rain for a short while. About 1-2 hours later I noticed a buzzing in my head when I came close to my laptop. I moved it closer and then further away and thought it was a problem with the drive or something.

I then went out with my dogs and when I was walking past the homes in my street I could hear a loud buzzing every time I passed an electricity meter box - I live in the city and the houses are small and close to the footpath.

I put the processor in the dry box overnight and hoped things would sort themselves out. This morning I put the batteries back in and turned on - no buzzing. I'm thinking it may have been due to some moisture in the processor but I've been in heavier rain before and never had a problem. Luckily I am having my 6 monthly check up next week and I've arranged for the Med El team to be there to check out  my processor.

Has anyone had a similar experience?

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Matt, HMMMMM, you have posed a stumper.  It sounds like the Tcoil function was somehow activated. Whenever I have been in a like situation, my processor merely snaps, crackles, pops then goes silent, till properly dried.  Since you are in the southern hemisphere perhaps your processor feels that the settings are reversed, M is actually T. After all, your drain water does go down in the incorrect direction.

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  • 1 year later...

Med Ell will say that there is nothing wrong with you device.  Been there, done that.

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