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My sons canceled implant surgery


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My son was scheduled for bilateral cochlear implants on April 30th. Unfortunately due to fluid in his ears they had to cancel. Now we have to wait 2 more months before the surgery can be performed. Even though this is very necessary, I must say I am quite disappointed and struggling a bit with the notion that we must wait 2 more months.

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Bart, welcome to HearPeers! What a blow to get ready for a life changing event and then be rescheduled.  Is two months a fixed time frame or is there some flex if your son recovers more quickly?  Congratulations to you and your family for choosing a MedEL CI!  what else can be done to help yopou out during this time?




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Hi John

Thank you for your response.

We already have a new surgery date of June 26th. The reason we need to wait this long is because the surgeon had to put tubes into Romans ears to drain all the fluid as it seems to be a reoccurring problem. He wants the tubes to stay in for 5-6 weeks. The closest next available date we were able to get is June 26th. We actually got to the hospital handed Roman off to get put under anesthesia. Once he was asleep, the Dr. come out about 30 minutes later and told us they can not proceed.

It definitely feels like quite a blow. We have been working and focusing on this goal and now we feel like we took a few steps backwards.


I guess I was mainly looking for a bit of support. I was hoping to gather more information on peoples experiences to help my wife and myself get back to a positive frame of mind. If nothing else, I figure I can use this extra time to educate myself more.

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Hello Bart,


the real question is what caused the fluid retention in the middle ear of your child, Roman?

If you do not resolve that issue it might happen again - so, what is the status with adenoid?


How old is Roman anyway?

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Hi Ivana


Roman just turned 1 a couple weeks ago.

The surgeon said Roman was on the verge of an ear infection, that's why he had the fluid buildup in his ears. The Dr. put tubes in Romans ears to alleviate the problem and ensure they are clear for our next surgery date.

The Doctors didn't share any concerns about his adenoid.

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