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Speech discrimination after surgery

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Hi, I had the surgery for my left cochlear implant on Monday and after the surgery I noticed I had better speech discrimination in my right ear. Has anyone else experienced this? It went away though after about a day and half though.

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Hi Belinda,

I can't say I noticed that after either of my 2, separate, surgeries but I do know the brain is an amazing thing and wants to utilize available resources as best it can.

Hi Belinda,


Wow!  I thought it was strange but I recently told my husband that for some reason, I now hear a bit better in my non-implanted ear!  I thought it was my imagination but maybe not.


Can't wait to see what happens when I get "activated" this Tuesday!


I am being "activated" tomorrow.  I know that you are not supposed to wear your hearing aid for about 3 months after activation, but was wondering if there were occasions when those of you post 3 months, have "cheated" for even an hour of two,.  I intend to wear the implant 95 percent of the time but think there might come a time when I need to use the hearing aid for some reason.  If so, do you remove the external processor and rely on only the hearing aid or do you wear both?




Christine Morgan,

I did 'cheat' very little with my first ear, using the HA also only if I felt I really needed the added input to be able to know what was going on.


With my 2nd ear, I find I'm cheating more often because after about a week I felt I stopped making progress when I used just the new one.  I will continue to use just the new CI only as long as I feel I am getting better with it, but if the progress seems static, I'm going back to using both until my next mapping session.

My next mapping is 7/9/14 - not a moment too soon!

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