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bilateral impants


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Hello, I am new to this page, but I have had my 1st CI for 10 years, and am onsidering going bilateral. I would appreciate any input or feedback from anyone who has 2 implants.


Thank you

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I was bilaterally implanted at the same time a little over 5 years ago.  It's been a true life saver for me.

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Madeline, Going bilateral offers incredible benefits over remaining unilateral.  If you qualify, go for it!

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  • 7 months later...
  • HearPeers Heroes

I would not change my decision at all if offered the chance to go back to one. If you have not already taken that step, I strongly suggest looking into it a little more.


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Watching - and counting days until that moment...;)

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hopefully soon



Have to do something before it, so the area wouldn't be compromised with another BB... :huh:  ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Madeline

I have two CI's and I wish I had done it sooner! I had one ci 15 yrs ago and the second 5 yrs later after insurance said they would cover it. Anytime I don't have the second one on, it feels like I have a blank spot in my head and it is harder to tell where the sounds are coming from. I listen to music a lot and I can hear placement of sounds around the room due to both sides getting different sounds. It makes for a full experience when listening to music that should be listened to in a large environment. Also, when I work in a heavy construction environment, I can tell where the danger is if I have a bilateral setup. If I get tired, I turn one off when I can or I turn one off to save it for later if I know I am going to kill it with sweat.

I hope that you get the full benefits of all that our technology offers and take advantage of it! Good Luck.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Lonny,

Welcome at the community.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

When asked after going bilater(I was bi lateral sequential) the difference between one and two. When I was activated with one, I thought there was no was it can get any better than this. Then I was activated with the second. The best way I could use to describe it was CRISPER, CLEARER and FULLER. Plus sound location improved immensely.

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Hi I am also new to this page.  Just learned that my grandson is getting bilateral.  Glad to hear that it is the way to go.  Have a question - What does "FSP is not indicated for prelingual children in the US” mean?  Implants with this technology is not available for children in the US?

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  • HearPeers Heroes


First, welcome to hearpeers!! I may be wrong but as far as I know the FSP is for Children as well as adults.


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