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Looking for mate who has same equipment as I do


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Hello folks,

It's been a while since I visited here or took much time to think about how to best use the equipment I have to hear well. I'm looking for someone who has a MedEl CI and also a Phonak Audeo Marvel hearing aid in the contralateral ear as well as a Roger Pen. I have a Roger Pen but I'm not using it to my advantage very well. I only use it to stream TV to my CI and occasionally to practice with my CI using my phone or computer. I feel like I don't know enough to even ask the right questions so I'm looking for someone who has figured out this technology! I'm interested in using the Roger Pen to stream simultaneously to both devices when listening to music and when I'm on the phone and watching TV. I understand that the cost of turning the receiver on in my hearing aid is considerable and also the installer is costly. We don't need to talk about that yet. I'm just trying to fully understand how I could use the Roger Pen with both of these devices. Thank you so much.


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I just realized how funny my title might sound! But, it might be an attention grabber. LOL


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  • HearPeers Heroes


check this link out



Connevans tends to have the lowest prices and ships internationally.

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