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Hi Judith,

Just from my own experience, it takes time and many mappings to get to your comfort zone. I was lucky to have found this forum as the people here are awesomely supportive and encouraging. Each person's journey is different. Just remember the 3 Ps - practice, persistence and patience. I've been activated for 17 months now and each day is a new experience. I still have a ways to go but am taking one baby step at a time. I have a good friend who does hearing lessons with me, I listen to audio books and follow along with the hard cover book, I keep the sound on with TV as I live alone and find that if I'm not in a heart ng environment, the voices start to sound distorted. My next challenge is music. I hope some of this helps. Keep us updated nformed of your progress. The 3Ps become ingrained to n your mind!

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Hearing and understanding with a CI are 2 seprate topics.  The good news is that you can already hear with your new CI.  Understanding does take some effort and time.  This is a journey, not a sprint.  Keep your initial expectations at a reasonable level.  Sandy gave you some invaluable advice about learning how to understand the sounds around you.  It will come.


Best wishes.

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Hi my name is Chris and I am new to this. I had my initial activation on October 10. I feel like I am doing OK.  All the sounds can be a bit overwhelming but keep telling my self that it will get better. Also keep wondering what my "new normal" is actually going to be like. Does the echoing go? I sound as if I am in a tunnel.  As far as music which is very important to me, I have found that I have stations set up on my phone with individual instruments. That has helped me break in to listening to music.  The first time I set out to experiment with listening to music I found out I could hear the higher range of notes so have a flute solo station I listen too. I still do read lips and put conversations together, was told that I will do this for awhile since I had done it for so long.

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Hey Christine,


The sound quality does somewhat improve for most people. Are you practicing with either sound and way beyond or angel sound in order to gain more understanding? If the answer is yes, make sure that you talk to your audiologist at each mapping about different sound experiences so things can be adjusted and improve with time. I also experienced/still experience some of the "tunnel sounds", but things have improve from when I was first activated.


Good Luck!


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Hi Judith,


I'm also new to the CI implant just got activated last week. Voices are still hard for me and I can't understand either without reading the lips or reading captioning. Other noises are starting to become familar to me, but the voices still sound like Alvin the chipmunk and a bit off. I'm trying to be patient but its frustrating.



Just wondering how long others took before they could clearly understand voices with the CI implant, or how long before they could understand without a visual?



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