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G’Day from Aus, #newkidontheblock

John R

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Hi all,

I was implanted Nov 30th 2020, switched on Dec 15th.

So much to learn, and even thought the journey to surgery was long, wow post switch on I am realizing the rehab journey may be even longer.

I have a Live Production / Pro Audio background.

when my journey began I regrettably couldn’t find you all, so began a VLOG documenting my own.

if your interested here is the link and little snippets of my journey thus far.

My Cochlear Journey VLOG video series  

Now post surgery I’m exhausted, a little devastated but incredibly determined.

So many questions, so many emotions. 
thank you for sharing your journeys , I’m looking forward to reading here as much as I can find.

Thank you In Advance


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@John R

Congratulations on your CI!  Which processor did you choose?

it is definitely a journey but an amazing journey at that.  Check out our rehab topic.  It is full of help!


And feel free to ask any questions.  Welcome to HearPeers!

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@John R

Welcome to the group! Ask us any questions you may have 😊 It’s a journey for sure and aural rehab definitely helps. So cool you started a Vlog! Thanks for the link, I’ll check it out in a bit 👍

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9 hours ago, Mary Beth said:

Congratulations on your CI!  Which processor did you choose?

Thank you, 

I currently have the new Synchrony 2 electrode array which is / was the reason I chose MedEL. This little guys potential has me very excited the technology is awesome.

using a Sonnet 2 Processor 

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@John R

I watched your vlog - nicely produced and you speak like a pro announcer!

I do hope you keep making the videos.

A few particular things resounded with me from your content:

  • the desperate hope that tinnitus would go away (mine is much reduced when I'm wearing my processor - is yours?)
  • the hearing effort is exhausting when you are impaired, and is always underestimated
  • hearing impairment can indeed be lonely and isolating from family/friends, but being honest with what you need from them is so helpful. I myself have also had so much support from my social and work circles, that has helped me make it through these tough times. 
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I watched the videos as well as part of my daily listening exercises to my Sonnet 2, I was activated on December 4th and in the last week I've found I can watch more content without the CC (especially if the person is talking to the camera) and voices are starting to sound more natural. When I wear the processor I don't really hear the tinnitus. I really am enjoying the videos and I hope you continue with them!

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6 hours ago, Kylie said:

@John R

I watched your vlog - nicely produced and you speak like a pro announcer!

I do hope you keep making the videos.

A few particular things resounded with me from your content:

  • the desperate hope that tinnitus would go away (mine is much reduced when I'm wearing my processor - is yours?)
  • the hearing effort is exhausting when you are impaired, and is always underestimated
  • hearing impairment can indeed be lonely and isolating from family/friends, but being honest with what you need from them is so helpful. I myself have also had so much support from my social and work circles, that has helped me make it through these tough times. 

Thank You, I do intend to keep them going, I have my Switch on episode to get finished and then into the MAPping episodes its not exactly easy to get them done but I feel like its worth it. 

I am more than open to any content requests or ideas people here may have. I do want the content to be raw and real. 

That was always my goal. 

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4 hours ago, Jared Charney said:

 I've found I can watch more content without the CC (especially if the person is talking to the camera) and voices are starting to sound more natural. 

Sounds like you are doing Really well, December 15th for me and I am no where near that point yet. 


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1 hour ago, Jared Charney said:

How are you doing? 

Up and down the journey is a bit rough that's for sure. 

Exhaustion is a huge issue 

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I had to wait a month for activation and that's when I was most fatigued and was def. besieged by more tinnitus from them rattling the cage-- and really it wasn't until about a week ago that with the streaming to the implant that I started actually hearing people's voice (certainly not all and not much progression with vocals in music) at first everyone sounded like Gollum from Lord of the Rings and I was starting to think it would never change and then one day I noticed the more natural voices were starting 

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I am a 59 year old Canadian and have progressive sensorineural hearing loss. I found your vlog to be compelling and a most helpful resource, as you address the decision making process and psychological factors that we, the hearing impaired, are dealing with.  In Canada, it is my understanding that you have to have profound hearing loss and no benefit from hearing aids before being eligible for a CI, which is counter to the research that shows more success if you still have some hearing. I am at the point where my right ear is profound (and has been for at least 4-5 years) and my left ear has just taken a step change and is severe to profound at all frequencies.  I am very sad and grieving this recent loss. It is so isolating and you really hit the nail on the head in the episode where you addressed that you are treated differently by family and friends because you can't engage the same way.  I too love hugs and with COVID can't express my feelings this way. My husband is very supportive, as are my children, but I feel incredibly sad, and guilty for feeling that way as I still have my sight, my mobility, a loving family. All the things you speak about in your journey.

I am trying to read about the different models and their features to be able to make the right decision when the time comes (assuming I have some say, perhaps my ENT doctor is the one that will choose, I am not at this point yet). My engineering background has given me the curse (or blessing, I guess) of analyzing everything to the nth degree, so I make an informed choice.

Anyway, I just wanted to say how much i appreciated your vlog. I hope you are doing well and your rehabilitation is progressing as expected.  I am told the root of disappointment is expectation and so I generally try to keep mine low! Please keep us posted on your journey and thanks again for sharing.

With Gratitude,

Lynne C


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@John R Just tagging you to be sure you see Lynn’s kind words in the post above.

@Busybee116  progressive hearing loss is a very difficult journey.  My least favorite day of the year was my annual hearing test where the progression in my hearing loss was displayed on the audiogram chart.  Significant hearing loss is so isolating and feeling lonely while surrounded by family and friends is an incredibly painful experience.  Your engineering knowledge will be a bonus when comparing CI brands.  Med-El just posted something about how each electrode has its own safety capacitor.  I know each electrode has its own control unlike some CIs that run all the electrodes on a single line. But the engineering aspects are out of my league.  I love the hearing that Med-El CIs have returned to me.  I wish you the very best on your journey.  Have you seen this...


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On 1/20/2021 at 1:14 AM, Jared Charney said:

I had to wait a month for activation and that's when I was most fatigued and was def. besieged by more tinnitus from them rattling the cage-- and really it wasn't until about a week ago that with the streaming to the implant that I started actually hearing people's voice (certainly not all and not much progression with vocals in music) at first everyone sounded like Gollum from Lord of the Rings and I was starting to think it would never change and then one day I noticed the more natural voices were starting 

Thanks for that insight.

Last week a second post hearing test revealed I have maintained some residual hearing. SO good news is my EAS was switched on full function. 

Also means I am kinda feeling back to week 1 of switch on now instead of week 4. but all for the better in the long term I hope :)

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On 1/27/2021 at 5:07 AM, Busybee116 said:

Anyway, I just wanted to say how much i appreciated your vlog. I hope you are doing well and your rehabilitation is progressing as expected.  I am told the root of disappointment is expectation and so I generally try to keep mine low! Please keep us posted on your journey and thanks again for sharing.


SO SO true, 

Thank you for the kind words and insight into your journey.

I lived in Alberta for some years, and yes the recognition of Hearing loss there is very different. Your engineering background does make you a detail of the technical aspects kinda person. and it is that very reason I chose MedEL please feel free to message me if you want to get technical and hear what my research unveiled comparing the technical and learning the specifications was not at all easy but became fun in the end. 

I do plan a Tech Specs VLOG soon its just a hard one to keep short and entertaining LOL.

feel free to ask :)

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I'm really looking forward to your new videos as you are spot on: there are tons of videos that cover activation day but really I feel like the most important part is all that follows 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi John,

I just binged all your episodes on your VLOG. I loved them. You really hit the nail on the head. 

Such great production. I can see how much effort and pride you put into each episode. Plus i was guessing you were in QLD from your outdoor videos and then saw you had surgery in Brisbane - haha detective work on point.

I live in Perth and am about to completely lose my hearing. Mine is a little different as it's caused by brain tumours and the auditory nerve gets severed in surgery - no CIs for me. So, very scary times at the moment. I had full hearing in January last year, surgery on my right in February which left me deaf on that side (with a Med El brainstem implant) and now i'll be completely deaf by my 35th birthday. It's heavy. I'm currently trying to listen to all my favourite music before it goes 'dark'


Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I hope you do continue to share it with us. I will still be able to read the captions, see your lips and your smiling face.  I'll keeo an eye on your VLOG :)


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  • 1 month later...

@John RI too am looking forward to your next installment of course while it streams to my CI!

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On 2/6/2021 at 12:36 PM, HannahMcP said:

I'm currently trying to listen to all my favourite music before it goes 'dark'

@HannahMcPDO IT and do it LOTS, its time to pick one or two songs, ESPECIALLY simple songs acoustic simple. nothing to over produced or large production. 
Listen to those songs Over and Over again. allow them to become your "reference tracks" pick a few oldies that go back in your mind memory even from childhood. 
Create a short play list of those songs and call it Reference tracks. THOSE are the songs that will help you learn to love music again post surgery. Find the songs where you practically know the lyrics of the top of your head but more importantly the sound and tone of the artists voice is burnt in your memory. :) 

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