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Synchrony 2 new S-vector magnet design

Mary Beth

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This S vector internal magnet is the second generation rotating internal magnet for Med-El and it is stronger which helps keep the Rondo3 in place and oriented the correct direction.

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Thanks!  That is what my med-el rep said too.  I wonder if it might be a difference in the weight distribution or some assymmetry in the magnet to help keep it oriented right.  

The youtube video of a Kanso user showed how easily he could get his rotated 180 degrees so the processor's 2 microphones were pointed in the opposite direction.  When turned, instead of a forward focus, he had a rear focus so he would really have problems until repivoting the processor.  His girlfriend was often the one to notice the problem visually.  While not a major problem, it seems like a little design problem in the processor/magnet.

Glad to hear that Rondo users don't seem to have the same problem.


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