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Sonnet 2 Battery Compartment Cover Failure

Kerem Ozcan

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After 1 year and 10 days, Sonnet 2 failed, which started with an early warning of battery exhaustion. I was using the disposable batteries ZeniPower. For 13 years I didn't think I would have problems with batteries. I replaced the batteries with new ones, and it gave an early battery warning and turned off the speech processor. I learned the source of the problem from another user by trying the backup cover. I have to change the battery door like this every year? The local company of this place says I can't change from warranty. I think this cover is definitely manufacturing flawed. Is there any work on Med-el cover?

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@Kerem Ozcan

I had a lot of problems with false dead battery beeps when using Zenipower batteries with my Sonnets.  I returned to using Power One Implant batteries and have not had that problem.


My Sonnet battery cover had to be replaced also.  I think it loosens up and then doesn’t press against the contacts strong enough.  At first I believe my Sonnet battery covers only had a one year warranty in the US, which is ridiculous in my opinion because they are not an optional accessory.  I think I have seen that now the battery covers have a 2 year warranty in the US.  In my opinion, the warranty on the battery covers should equal the warranty on the processor.  I think new Sonnet 2 kits in the US may come with a spare battery cover so that is helpful.

Med-El is always redesigning and improving components so hopefully a longer lasting battery cover will be offered.

However, now I am using the AudioStream as a battery cover.  I hope it lasts a long time.

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Thank you for your answers. Yes, the tip loosens due to the heat and continuous opening. It gives a warning that the battery is out because it does not hold properly. I learned that in Turkey warranty is removed. I will try again. I will ask them to change it. I decided to put only the speech processor and cable coil in the dehumidifier. Previously I was placing all but the battery.

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