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Audiobooks rehabilitation app research study looking for participants

Julia Jordan

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Hi everyone--I'm a Med-El CI recipient (implanted fall of 2018) and happen to work in hearing research at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU).  I thought I would share this information with the Hear Peers community in case any United States residents are interested in participating. 

OHSU and Biospeech are conducting a research study looking an auditory training program using an audiobooks app.  The study is entirely virtual and lasts for three months.  An iPad loaded with the application will be sent to participants to use during the study.  Participants will earn up to $100 for their participation.

We are looking for adults with moderate to severe hearing loss who wear hearing aids and adults who have cochlear implants.  We are also looking for children ages 9+ who have cochlear implants. 

Participants will need to be able to read at a third grade level, have no suspicions of cognitive deficits or vision impairments that would interfere with using the app, and have the capability to attend video visits using Zoom.

We would love to discuss the study with any interested participants.  Please email Alex Shonk at shonk@ohsu.edu or call her at 971-200-9413. 



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@Julia Jordan

Hi!  Yes several of us are already participating in this study.

Nice to have you in HearPeers!

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Thanks Mary Beth!  I'm participating too and I wish I had had this app for right after my implant!  Julia


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I should add--recruitment is ending this month, so this is our final push for study participants!  We particularly need kids ages 9+ to participate.  Would be a great "summer reading program" for them!!!


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