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Potential Bonebridge / Samba 2 candidate — what should I ask doc and audiologist at the appointments?


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Hi y’all — 

I’ve had initial appointments with my otologist and audiologist, and both thought going from my current in-ear hearing aid to a bone-anchored option would help with the chronic infections I’ve had, and thought that the bonebridge / samba 2 option might be best for me. I have appointments coming up to be able to demo what the sound would be like and to go over the official pre-op screening and such. Are there any questions you wish you had asked beforehand, or things I might not think of too ask? 

— Miki, with one-sided moderate to severe mixed (but mostly conductive) hearing loss since my toddler years due to congenital cholesteatoma and mastoidectomy. 

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I had similar issues with in ear hearing aids. I was getting infections and the ear would swell shut all the time. I also had cholesteatoma numerous times and mastoidectomy. I went for my consultation for the Bonebridge / Samba and as soon as they put the demo unit on my head and turned it on, I knew it was for me. I had my surgery in 2016, no regrets.
Some things you may want to discuss are placement options. I made sure mine would be able to go in a spot that it wouldn't be affected by the arms from my glasses. Other than that I can't really think of anything that stands out to ask at the moment. I have the Samba, the Samba 2 will have some more features that I am sure they will go over with you. If I think of anything else I can let you know. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away!
I wish you the best of luck with your appointment, I hope it works out for you!


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Thanks, Colin, that helps! I hadn’t really thought about the placement issue, but I wonder if some spots can be more feasible for using bike helmets than others. 

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I am not sure if that is possible, something you would have to discuss for sure. The thing is they need 8mm of skull thickness as a minimum for the BCI 601 and 4.5mm for the 602. So you will have to go get scans done for them to make sure the thickness is available where it will be placed and it would also depend on which implant you are receiving. As mine was done so long ago, I got the 601 and they had to be careful with the placement due to the bone thickness issue.

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