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Had my second implant activated this week. I know to remove my first processor while doing the rehab, but was advised to not wear the first processor while adjusting to my new right side. I find it very difficult and nauseating. I’m interested what others have done. Thanks in advance!

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Congratulations on the activation of your second CI!

Every CI audiologist has their own protocol.

My audiologist wanted me to listen with the second CI alone at least two hours every day.  The rest of the time I could be bilateral.

I used the second CI alone more than 2 hours every day and the rest of the time I was bilateral.

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Thanks Mary Beth. I do understand the reasoning, but even though my second CI has only been on 2days, using them together makes such a difference. I will try a little harder!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hearing with two CIs is amazing.  And when that Bering is balanced it is unbelievable.  Enjoy your bilateral journey.

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