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Hi everyone, 


My name is Resina and I'm two weeks into my implant being activated - and what a strange world of sound I'm experiencing at the moment! I expected computerised sounds, but not such high frequency squeals and blips. I do have some hearing in my right ear, so its even more confusing for me. I've been told I need to switch off my right hearing aid, but then I have no access to speech if I do that. 


Any advice/recommendations would be gratefully received. 





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  • HearPeers Heroes


Welcome to hearpeers!!!! congratulations on being activated. I know the exciting and overwhelming feeling you are going through. You have to remember that your brain has not had any sound stimulation from that ear in a very long time (don't know your hearing history) so everything you're hearing in that ear, your brain does not know what to do with that info because it is not used to it. so it assigns some strange sounds. As your brain starts to figure things out, what you are hearing will sound more normal.

I have bilateral implants but spent a month or two listening with one ear before the other was activated. Both of my activations were totally different. The first, everybody sounded like Alvin the Chipmunk, Darth Vader and everything in between. A few people sounded like static on the tv or radio. The second activation, everything sounded very robotic and synthesized.

The good news is it does get better. Just remember the 3 p's PRACTICE, PATIENCE and PERSISTENCE.

When I was activated the second time, they told me not to wear my other processor as much as possible. The reason they tell you this is they want your brain to have to rely on and get better at hearing with that ear. Kind of like a muscle. The only way to make it stronger and work more efficiently is to practice with it and not give it any help. That could prolong the amount of time before you get the most out of your implant. Is it frustrating? Yep. Is it worth it over the long run? You better believe it.

Again welcome and please feel free to ask any questions you might have. Also we would love to get to know you better. Feel free to share as much or as little as you would like about your hearing journey.

Your Bionic buddy


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  • HearPeers Heroes


I forgot to ask, what implant and processor you received?

I have the Sonata implant with the Opus 2 processors. I am in therocess of possibly upgrading to the Sonnet processor

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Matt do you know of any rehab for single words online Resina can find? She has angel sounds and something else. I couldn't find too much other than what model has on their website

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I could only find Angel Sounds also - guess we're just not a big enough market for people to develop apps/programs.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Might be something MEDEL could expand on, hint hint moderators.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Resina,

I was activated in March so I am only 3 months into this process so far. My ear had not heard anything for 24 years but had heard prior to that. I found the iAngelSounds app too difficult at first but love it now. The first app that helped me was CLIX. Basically level 1 is just discriminating between one, two, three or four syllable words. You don't have to understand the words at all, just recognize if you hear 1,2,3 or 4 parts. It was amazing how quickly I started to understand the words while practicing. Good luck and welcome.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Matt and Adam - I think that they do not know about your (re)habilitation struggles. If only they know how many there are CI implant's - market would make in a hype of second by itself.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Some great information Ivana, thank you so much.

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