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Hello HearPeers community, I'm Namgyal and progressively lost 70% of my hearing since childhood. I've been researching between audiologists/ENTs/literature and trying to decide which bone conductive hearing device I should go for either abutment or attract system. I'm a perfect candidate for either and wondering who else had this surgery (BAHA, Bonebridge, Sophono) how things went pre/post op to the site and the device itself? Pro's/con's of abutment (cleaning twice daily, infections etc) or the magnetic plate (heard it can be costly for maintenance) ?? Any info would be so helpful. Feeling stressed about the decision since introduced to the idea 3 years ago. I've put it off long enough. Thanks!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Welcome to hear peers! I have a cochlear implant so can't answer your questions directly. Hopefully Ivana will be responding soon. glad you found us and we look forward to getting to know you. Do you have a surgery date yet?


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hello Windhorse,

Welcome to the Hearpeers at first.

Secondly, what is the cause of your progressive CONDUCTIVE hearing loss? Usually it is sensoneural hearing loss.

Abutment - you mentioned most important; also it should be not in contact with head, possible injury during sports; possible infections, tissue granulation even screw loss.

Magnetic plate - not sure what you have in your mind when you mentioned by maintenance but cut is much longer and if you have short cut it is visible; way of transmission here is not same: abutment use active way of transport but plate is passive (go to the official site and read the difference). Surgical procedure is more serious.

Bonebridge: cut is not within the scalp, surgical procedure is more extensive: mastoidectomy should be done and whole device under skin is pretry long and bulky; that been said, 3rd day after the op I was at my 30km bike ride, Samba rocks everything - now when it has automatic sound menagment, this device is pure gold.

I know for Sophono but I haven't had read much personal opinions so it's hard to write much because I haven't read any article with serious device testing.

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Hello Adam and Ivana,


Thank you for the response. I don't have a surgery date as yet. I have conductive hearing loss. my nerves are perfect from what I'm told. Just the sound is blocked in my middle ear and not passing through so the best option for me I'm told repeatedly is the bone anchored hearing device. The surgery includes a permanent device either abutment which would have a small metal piece in the mastoid bone behind the ear sticking out of the skull for the hearing processor to attach to then your can hear. The 2nd option which I haven't found anyone have done yet is the "attract" where a small metal plate is again drilled into the mastoid bone and the hearing processor would attach to it by magnet. This is rather new. The 1st option provides the best sound vibration for hearing/clarity and the 2nd, the sound is somewhat dissipated because it needs to pass through the skin before vibrating the bone for hearing. Has anyone on this forum had or know anyone who has had a bone conduction surgery? 

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Wind horse

I am not familiar with the second option but do know that the bone conduction has come a long way. Medel does offer that as an option and I have heard great things about it.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Windhorse - you are describing Cochlear's products BAHA not taking into account MED-EL's option. I guess it would be hard to find BAHA's users on this Forum ;)

Anyway, there is a member Thomas Tuchan who was implanted with analog BAHA on the abutment but when came digital he decided to go with Bonebridge. Now he is bilateral and pretty much happy with the sound quality - his hearing loss origin from chronic otitis media which ruined middle ear. He's the only person I kniw that has been on both sides.

Although I am not sure what is your cause (otosclerosis or tympanosclerosis) I can tell you that you are perfect recipient. there is another option but it depends on the severity of your hearing loss - SOUNDBRIDGE which can be attached directly to your ossicular chain or even to the round window. This is recommended for more severe hearing liss like 70-80dB.

Bonebridge is for less, although implantation range is narrower, I can tell you that it works great to me who has hearing loss between the range of 55-65dB pure bone conduction hearing loss but ny middle ear is far more malformed so my surgeon dudn't want to experiment with chance that I might loose hearing at all (implantation to the round window).

Yes - that's what I have been describing to you - the difference between the way of the sound transmission. Med-El does not have passive transducers only active.

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  • 3 months later...



My name is Regina and I have had hearing loss since I can remember around the age of 2 and was cause from sensoineural Nerve Deafness that appears to be a heredity problem for my family.  I have worn hearing aids all my life and professional at lip reading.  I had my CI implant for right ear in May 2015.   This has been the best journey I have ever been on as I now can hear all the sounds that I had never experienced before with my aids.  Looking forward to hearing the experiences of others as I am still in the process of understanding and do numerous exercises to help me along the way.  I can say enough about the 3P's concept but but I like to add another p to that and that is perfect because practice does make perfect or at least in this incident allow you to get the best experience on can have with the use of your CI.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I Am still in awe every time I hear the tree leaves rustling or my Boston terrier snoring :0)

You learn very quickly not to take things for granted

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I had today an awe moment - friend of mine peeled an orange... It took all my attention although I worked something pretty important on my laptop.

- This really sounds like this?!?? - crossed my mind... :D:P

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  • HearPeers Heroes

BAM! That is awesome Ivana. Gotta love those little surprises.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Yeah Adam! :P

And after that - should this really sound so loud?

I am still confused about things around me because I don't have location ability... So mostly I look around in this manner

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Did that for years Ivana. :D my wife got a kick out of it

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Makes me want to peel an orange and listen!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Well, I got that urge almost immediately! :D

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  • HearPeers Heroes

To me all these new sounds are awesome. I can even hear my iPhone when it vibrates! And yes, Adam, I love listening to the leaves rustling and my favourite, the sound of rain!

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  • HearPeers Heroes


It was raining just the other day, I really enjoy listening to it. We also have the bonus of not hearing it when we are trying to sleep :D

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