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New.. 4 weeks post bonebridge


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Completely new to this so not quite sure what to say and will probably babble on.. But I came across this forum whilst searching post operative healing process as I wasn't too sure what to expect so thought I would give it a go.

I've recently on the 25th of June had the Bonebridge implanted on my left side due to conductive hearing loss that's accured as a repocution to previous operations such as mastoid surgery and so on.

Basically I was just hoping to get a bit of information from other people regarding their healing process and how you are all finding life with bonebridge? When I went down for the bonebridge surgery it didn't go quite to plan (not too sure why yet as I've still to speak to consultant) but it ended up taking just over 3 hours and as a result was sighted in a different area i believe as the part that you attach the magnet to is quite high up to the top of my head on the left side instead of behind the ear like I originally thougt so was just wondering where everyone else's is sighted? Also it's been 4 weeks now and the swelling of the area in which the samba/magnet attaches is still swollen (sort of like half a golf ball) on my head which I'm guessing is to be expected considering it took a little bit longer.

Hope this made sense and look forward to hearing other people's bonebridge journeys.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Courtney,

Welcome. I do not have the BoneBridge but I'm sure someone will chime in soon.

Mary Beth

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Within the BB section is a good place to speak Courtney ;)

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