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Firmware Update for AudioStream

MED-EL Moderator

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Dear Hearpeers Forum members,

We’re happy to announce that we’ve just released a firmware update for AudioStream:

With this firmware update, we’ve:

  • Fixed the left/right offset problem for iOS users.
  • Improved the Bluetooth® (re-)connection for more stable connection behavior in both iOS and Android devices.
  • Carried out some more minor bug fixes to improve usability.


To update your AudioStream firmware, please:

  1. Unpair your AudioStream device(s) from your phone (select “forget device”).
  2. Start the update through the AudioKey 2 app and follow the instructions.
  3. After that, you can reconnect your AudioStream device(s) to your phone.

If after these steps there is still no connection, restart your phone completely first and then try reconnect.


If you have any questions, just let us know.


Kind regards,

Your Hearpeers Support Team

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