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I was activated January 25 early in the morning. Wanted to share my experience so far. All 12 electrodes are working. When the implant was turned on my wife and the two audiologists were talking. Everything sounded like beeps and I was thinking this might take a while but then about 30-60 seconds later BOOM I understood words. Alvin and the chipmunks and Minnie Mouse but they were words. I had zero percent word recognition in this ear with a hearing aid. Within a few minutes we were doing days of the week and months of the year with the audiologist mouth covered. Only missed 2. By the time I left the appointment I was already on sound level 2.

On the way home my wife and I carried on a conversation in the car with music on and just the implant. No way I could have done that with just my right hearing aid. The only sound that was normal that day was my hand running across the carpet while playing with the dog. Everything else sounded like a high pitched electronic video game. By the time dinner rolled around I was on sound level 4 and it was just the first day.

The next morning put my implant on and went downstairs. Coffee mug hitting the counter sounded normal, pouring and slurping the coffee sounded normal. There were a couple of sounds at work that were normal. Everything else was still the video game. Voices were more robotic and less high pitched. Understanding a large amount of words and conversations. My wife is only repeating herself at about 10% of what she did before the implant.

This morning there were even more normal sounds after i put the implant on. It seems like the simple sounds are normalizing more quickly. Voices are not nearly as high pitched but they seem very quiet and are still far from normal. Music, forget about it for now. Over all I feel like I could use more volume. Cant wait for my 2 week appointment. 

So far so good…


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That is amazing and so encouraging.  Thanks for sharing your progress and keep us posted.  I am having a CI eval in early March, so I'm eager to learn more.


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  • HearPeers Heroes


welcome to HearPeers!  Feel free to ask any questions you may have.  We are a friendly group.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Congrats on your rock star activation @Jason77

I found that just listening to familiar songs until they started to make sense helped me with making out music. Took me about 2-3 months but I think it will take a shorter time for you. 

Enjoy the journey. The excitement is just beginning. 

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I was thinking about listening to the same song over and over just this morning. 

This evening I did an experiment with the piano. Every note from one side to the other had a different sound from high to low when played slowly. That kind of blew my mind. 

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