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Glad to have found this website. I was activated just over 5 months ago and I wear a hearing aid.  Until recently I was progressing really well and each day going to different links to work on Listen and Repeat exercises.  I was hearing better in general and was able to join in conversations more so I was regaining my confidence.  But now there seems to be a shift in my hearing.  I`m not deciphering what people are saying to me - they sound to be in an echo chamber.  I am due to see my audiologist at the beginning of September so hopefully this will be rectified but I am puzzled as to why the sudden change.  I am challenged with tinnitus and vertigo and Menieres but that as always been.  Just wondering if anyone else have had set backs?


Having said all this I am grateful to have been a recipient of a Cochlear Implant.




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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Marion,

I have also been activated for 5 months and wear a HA in my other ear. Do you train with your CI ear alone? Do things sound different when you are listening with only your CI? Which processor do you use?

At times I have to shut off my HA and let my brain refocus on just the sound from my CI and then I can turn the HA back on again later. This helps when things sound "off" to me. I attribute it to my brain focusing on the HA sound instead.

Mary Beth

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Hi Mary Beth,


Thank you for your input.  My processor is the Cochlear Nucleus 6.  I always train with the CI alone and things do sound different when I am listening with the CI alone.  I find when I am wearing both I hear more through my HA - at the moment that is the stronger device of the two. 


I think I am going to have to wear just my CI for longer periods even though it is more of a struggle to hear this I can do when I am at home maybe that will improve things.


Thanks very much for taking the time to reply.



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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Marion,

There are evidents that neuroplasticity of our brain changes even after 7 years.

Perhaps you need re-fitting because you adapted. The way you are using CI with HA is called modal - it depends of your hearing abbilitues which can be used better with HA if you have enough hearing capabilities.

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I found that using my CI alone as much as possible, helped advance my progress with my CI. In fact, when I felt stalled a bit I purposely left my HA at home so it forced me to function at work with my CI alone. It worked so great that I continued that for quite some time.

Now my CI is functioning much better than my HA.

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Thank you all some much for your feedback I have taken it all into account......I am really pleased I have found this website.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Welcome to hearpeers!!!

Sounds like you might need a new mapping. I am not sure where you live but if I felt that something was off or had changed, my Audi would bring me in before the next appointment just to make sure everything is ok. I hope all goes well. Again welcome to the forum. Feel free to share as much or as little about yourself as you would like.


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Thank you Adam for the welcome.  I am due to see my Audiologist in Vancouver on the 8th Sept.  My ride is already arranged for that date otherwise I would be knocking on the Audiologists door to-day!!!   Not able to drive into Vancouver.  


I have worn HA`s for 14 years and I`m presuming my deafness was caused by noise.  We owned a boarding kennel for 20 years and to be in a building with barking dogs would not help! Plus tinnitus and meneires developed.


Anyhow I am so glad that I was one of the lucky ones to be able to receive a CI as the alternative would not have been a good outcome.  I only know from what I read that it is going to get better as time passes so I`m looking forward to that. 



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