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Activation Day a success!


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I had my activation day last Thursday. It is so amazing that, with a push of a button, I went from not hearing in my right ear to hearing. Although there will still need to be some adjustments made, I love the freedom the Amade has given me.

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I had my second appointment where the audiologist increased the volume in all 3 settings. Now all I hear is the sound of fans, wind and my hair brushing against the processor. She said in time my brain will not hear those sounds any more. Has that been the experience with other Bonebridge recipients? Otherwise, I absolutely love the Bonebridge. It's a whole new world! ( If you are interested to hear my story and watch the video from my activation day it is on the Med-el blog. What an awesome day that was.)

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  • HearPeers Heroes

That actually is the case with most people that are hearing impaired. It is called the cocktail party effect. Basically what our brains do is is decide what sounds are important and what sounds are not. The sounds that it feels are no important, it ignores. The sounds are always there we just don't notice them unless somebody points it out. Like the hum of the refrigerator, computer screens. Ultraviolet lights .....

This is how people are able to talk to and understand each other say at a cocktail party. You can focus in on the person talking to you because your brain ignores all the background music.

When you first get activated, you hear EVERYTHING because you do not have that filter. Eventually those sounds will fade, it will take time.

I have bilateral cochlear implants. By the end of the first day, I couldn't wait to take those processors off. It was almost sensory overload. Things gradually got better.

Give it a little time

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I watched your video on the medel blog. It was great! I am so happy for you.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Actually, this is the starting point where your brain starts to remind noises which was in the background and it couldn't single particular noise out of the aformentioned background.

With time, you will remind that your brain does not observe this anymore - than you'll need further adjustment.

A cocktail party effect is the ability of individual's brain to focus in a huge crowd on the conversation with one person. If this is not possible, the bilaterality hasn't been reached.

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