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Hi everyone, I sure do hear things I have missed for years. I have a single implant, hearing aid for right ear. My audiologist did not suggest going with out it. Is that something I should be doing? If it will help speed up the process I surely will!

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Hi Jean Maggi


I am into my 3rd month since activation. I was told it was better without your hearing aid, so that your brain adjusts to the sound of the cochlear.

I have not put my hearing aid in the other ear since they turned the cochlear on. I am adapting well, and really haven't missed it. I like not having a hearing aid in my ear.

I think I will l give it until the 6 month mark and then decide if I will put a hearing aid back in the other ear. Although I  am already leaning on not putting it back in.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Christa- Sounds like you are off to a great start!

Jean Maggie- My audiologist was flexible. She told me to wear the HA when I needed it but to go CI only when I could. I spent as much time CI only as possible and before long I was CI only all the time. Enjoy your new CI.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I assume you have already been activated. Each audiologist is a little different. You might want to get confirmation. From all of the folks that I have talked to in the past, including my own Audi. They were told to not use the hearing aid or processor in the other ear, to give the new implant a chance to catch up.

There might be a reason your Audi recommended this so I would confirm with him or her 1st

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • HearPeers Heroes

This issue is debatable - there is no final conclusions.

I would say that everyone functions different, due to that fact possibly giving up totally of your HA is big individual decision because this is like your personal anchor.

Possibly, individual decision in individual episode is most accurate answer; but taking into account the fact that brain neuroplasticity will adapt the best when taking CI alone.

But sometimes, we're tired or not in the mood - so it's OK to get little bit easy. ;)

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I would never suggest stopping use of the Hearing aid. My Audi was not suggesting that as well. Just trying to give your brain a chance to work its muscles on the implant side.

You are exactly right ivana. I can remember wanting to take the processor off as soon as I could the first day I was activated as it was too much sensory overload.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I would never suggest stopping use of the Hearing aid. My Audi was not suggesting that as well. Just trying to give your brain a chance to work its muscles on the implant side.

You are exactly right ivana. I can remember wanting to take the processor off as soon as I could the first day I was activated as it was too much sensory overload.

As simple as that Adam - sometimes you need cake so much... Well, why not get it - you won't fell through the soil because you got too much pounds...;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi I was told only to the the HA off for rehab purposes. I was also told that it's very important to stimulate the ears with hearing as much as you can to keep the cochlea viable for implantation. Sure it could be a personal case by case reason. Just thought this might help.

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