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I have had my cochlear implant for 4 months, and activated for about 3 month.

Recently I have noticed a tin like taste in my mouth? They mentioned that this could be a side effect, but I thought it was only something you would get for the first couple weeks after surgery? Has anyone else noticed this?


Will music ever sound good? :P

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Christa- LOL. Music starting sounding better to me around the 5 month point. It is still improving.

I'm not sure about delayed tin taste. Maybe Ivana will chime in.

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Hi Christa, good to hear from you! Regarding the tin taste, that's something where you'll need to talk with your doctor about it.

And when it comes to music, like every sound it takes time for your brain to get used to the cochlear implant's electric stimulation. Three months isn't a long time, so keep up the practice and rehabilitation and you can keep improving your hearing skills. We've got some tips for listening to music over on the MED-EL blog: http://www.medel.com/blog/listen-music-cochlear-implant-better/that I hope can help you out.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Christa Erik is correct. Your doctor and surgeon know your hearing and medical history the best. They should be able to figure out what is going on.

As far as music. At least for me, using the phone and understanding music took the longest to come back. At one point, I got really discouraged and thought that I would never be able to understand music again. Then all of the sudden I started making big gains and can happily say that music sound just like it always did. practice, patience and PERSEVERANCE!!!!! You will get there

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • HearPeers Heroes


I was absent certain amount of time due to my exams...:(

The tin taste is due to compromitation of the chorda tympani. The chorda tympani is a branch of the facial nerve that originates from the taste buds in the front of the tongue, runs through the middle ear, and carries taste messages to the brain. It joins the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) inside the facial canal.

Most often this tin taste is temporarly because surgeon has to operate in the field where facial nerve naturally goes through.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am very happy to hear that music will sound better. I have noticed a bit of a difference lately, but sometimes it still sounds like static, of muffly.

It's nice to know that it is not just me lol

Sometimes I hear a song I know, but it will take a few minutes to identify it. I really don't know any new stuff, but I try. It's difficult. 

Hearing from others about certain topics is very helpful.

Also thank you Eric from Med-el.

I love my implant! Thank you Med-el!

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