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BoneBridge was activated on March 16


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Hello everyone.  This is my first post to the HearPeers Forum.  I had my BB surgery on February 3 and had to wait 6 weeks for activation.  It was a big day for me because I had Single Sided Deafness since my Acoustic Neuroma was removed in 2011.  Since my BB works with bone conduction, sound is transferred to my normal hearing left ear.  As a result, I hear regular sounds and voices.  One month after my activation, my implant audiologist made adjustments including filtering and adding programs.  Wearing my BB has made a profound improvement to our quality of life.  

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Thank you Dianna.  I am new to the HearPeers Forum and will keep you posted.  I also look to the Forum as a part of my learning curve. 

There is a HearPeers Hangout in the middle of May.  How long does it usually last?  Is it on one subject or more like questions and answers?  Is the format Zoom or something else?

Thank you


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  • HearPeers Heroes


If you are referring to the US/Canada monthly HearPeers zoom meetings hosted by Med-El US, they mentioned decreasing those to every other month so I am not sure if May is an option any longer. 

check it out here


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You are correct.  The next one is mid June and appears to pertain to pediatric wearers of CI's.  

Thank you

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Several of us on here with Med-El cochlear implants wanted to meet in video chats so we just set it up ourselves.  It has been going since May 2020.  Over 40 HP Med-El CI users have participated from over 10 countries.  We average around 10-15 members each month.


You could try to organize something similar for BoneBridge users on HearPeers.  Make your own group.


We use GoogleMeet because it has free automatic captioning.  If the group meeting will be no more than an hour, it should work in a free account.

The Med-El CI users, families and candidates meetings last longer than an hour and require the host to have a paid account.  

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