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  • HearPeers Heroes

Interesting. What type of electrode did you receive Adam anyone else? I got flex28mm.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Right ear has the standard medium electrode array which is 24 mm.

Left ear has the flex 28 electrode array.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Yeap - it has been some discussions about this topic at the CI conferences and how to choose "right" electrode. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Have all of the MedEl electrodes been straight electrodes?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

The link spoke about straight versus curved electrode arrays I believe in addition to length of electrode array. Are the MedEl electrode arrays all considered straight? I realize they are curved once they are inserted but are some electrode arrays pre-curved if that makes any sense?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

The early years had rigid electrode arrays about 31 mm long. This lead to electrode array extrusion problems and a change toward more flexible ones. Cochlea size varies from around 24mm to 36mm. So 31 is around the middle. Cochlear Corp does sell a pre curved one. Since cochlea size can vary, MED-El has many sizes. The surgeon chooses an electrode array he believes is best for you.

The use of the electrode arrays in surgery are discussed in the SYNCHRONY surgical guidelines document. Pretty interesting.

Sorry for long link but could not get short one to work.

Located at:


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  • HearPeers Heroes

The link spoke about straight versus curved electrode arrays I believe in addition to length of electrode array. Are the MedEl electrode arrays all considered straight? I realize they are curved once they are inserted but are some electrode arrays pre-curved if that makes any sense?


No. Actually, Med-EL is the leader of developing flexible electrode arrays. Their STANDARD serie which is at the market over 20 years is now considered as significant step forward the maximal cochlear coverage. Today on the market is more flexible array - the FLEX series. But Standard serie still have significant indications for implanting.


An interesting PDF only about electrode arrays is here:

http://s3.medel.com/pdf/21617.pdf from Med-EL's website:


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Medel does have a few different types of electrode arrays to help with various issues with the cochlea, ossification being one. The other companies electrodes were fairly rigid which pretty much destroyed any residual hearing. With the atraumatic electrodes, the residual hearing had a much greater chance of being preserved. The other companies at least one, has tried as well to create a more flexible electrode array

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Actually Adam, for the ossified cochlea it's better to put straighter or less flexible electrode array because the latter could easily bend or have more difficulty to go through the barrier. Flexible electrode arrays are for most uncomplicated morphologically cochleas. It does preserve more residual hearing cells but not completely.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Yup, that's why I have one of each. Medium electrode array in my right ear due to more extensive ossification. Flex28 in my left ear.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

That's right Mary Beth - surgeon decides which array to use on the basis of CT scan and possible pathology. I have had numerous time opportunity to hold it in my hands during the surgery and there's really difference. :)

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  • HearPeers Heroes

There are also different techniques as far as insertion of electrode, based on the cochlea. One of which is inserting at 2 different points. I understand every case is different and each proposes different challenges.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Avtually, there are 2 approaches to the cochlea, but also at least 2 optional approaches to the CI surgery: suprameatal and retroauricular; it depends of where projected course of an electrode array is planned. And other factors of course: the pathway of facial nerve, age of the patient, etc.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

A lot of factors to consider when it comes to choice of electrode and its placement. Always good to have a surgeon you have trust in.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

If you haven't met them before, I would do a little research on him or her. How many surgeries they have done..... You want to be 100% confident going in to surgery.

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