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RONDO - Any Recipients?


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I have an opportunity to swap an OPUS 2 processor for a Rondo when I go for my activation appointment next month. I would like to know of anybody who has one now to share their feedback on any pros and cons of the RONDO.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Sid that might be tough so early on. will they allow you to give it a trial run for a period of time to decide if you like it?

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Hi Sid, I now wear bilateral RONDOs. One since February and one for the last month.  The comfort is unbelievable.  If you ever wear glasses, there is no BTE hook so there is no irritation. The microphone placement does help with masking some of the unwanted ambient noise.  Battery life is good with either disposables or rechargeables.  M/T works great, as does straight T.  You have the option of 4 magnets to adjust the magnetic attraction to your head. And there is the "wow" factor of having the world's first single unit audio processor! Cons= it is so light and comfortable you may forget to take it off when..... Can't wear it under a bicycle helmet. ( I use my Opus2 for that). good luck with your next appointment.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Sid, I will be fitted with the Rondo next Monday and can't wait. John, thanks for the testimonial. Your response to how good it is, is encouraging. Will let you know how I like it next week.

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Let us know how the Rondo works for you and any other details on it. Good luck on your activation!


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How did you get the RONDOs before the release date?!?!? My CI clinic (University of Miami) said they will not have it available until this week.

Got a few questions for you on the RONDO. How does a baseball cap and other headgears fit while wearing the RONDO? How does the RONDO work with direct audio cable and other ALD devices? Stereo headphones? How easy it is for the RONDO to be displaced from your head? How durable when it is dropped?



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  • HearPeers Heroes

just guessing, I assume some clinics got some demos after FDA approval. This is something that has confused me as so many different clinics across the U.S. varied in what they recieved. What I mean is that some got demos and some did not. I emailed my audi last week and she still has not seen it or recieved any literature to hand out. Strange.

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Hi Sid, Sorry for the delay in answering your questions but here goes.

I was part of a controlled market release for the RONDO.

I can’t wear it while wearing a bicycle helmet due to the RONDO’s size. I’ve tried wearing the RONDO with a ball cap and a flat cap but my implant placement doesn’t allow me to wear them.

The mini battery pack has a three plug jack for a direct audio cable and other ALD devices.  I personally use a Bluetooth neck loop so haven’t had to use this functionality.

The RONDO comes with magnets of varying strengths and I have found that the #3 magnet works very well. You also have the option of attaching a clip to your hair or clothing.


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I just got off the phone with Med El and you have till October (Limited time offer) to decide.  

I am being activated May 1st and don't really know what to expect.  I am getting my 2nd implant in May, hopefully.  So they said I had plenty of time to decide.


I have had an hearing aid about 20 years so I don't mind something hanging on my ear, but,  of course I had an ear piece that help keep it in place.  I don't know how it will stay in place without one.


I seems you have more options with OPUS 2 (connections and rechargeable battery & longer battery life).


Rondo is much bigger and heavier than the D Coil and battery life is shorter.  Rondo is supposed to come with a Bluetooth neck-loop free for a limited time.


One new Rondo user stated that the sound quality was much better, including music.


I am going to start with the Opus 2 and then try the Rondo to see if it is worth the change.


Just My 2¢ worth.


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Thanks, Don.

I'll find out more about the RONDO when I go for my activation CI #2 appointment on May 1st, too. Hopefully by then I should have more information on the RONDO.

Good luck on your activation!


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Don and Sid,  Best wishes for a great activation.  Be sure to get the RONDO trade in information from your audiologist BEFORE your processors are programmed.    Activation is always an interesting experience. Every ear responds differently as every ear is unique. When not traveling I wear both the mini-battery pack with  DaCapo rechargeables on one ear and disposables on the other.  When traveling, I use disposables.  I have found that the battery life for RONDO with this setup is identical to battery life for the Opus.  12-13 hours for DaCapo, 5 days for disposable. Your results may vary somewhat.  My left side processor beeps to indicate low battery a good 1-2 hours before my right side.  Tip, when battery beeps, change battery ASAP.  My hearing aids gave me 15-30 minutes, CIs have a much shorter warning period!


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I'm a newbie here and have a surgery date of July 12.  I've been told I may choose 2 Concert processors, 2 Rondos or 1 of each.  I asked for one of each.

I've been wearing conventional BTE hearing aids for almost 40 years and the thought of having air flow into my ear is delightful.

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Hi Lisa, welcome to the wonderful world of CIs. I have been wearing the RONDO since February and find that it is wonderful for the reasons I've outlined in my earlier posts. I still wear the OPUS BTE on occasion, riding the bike is the main reason, due to safety concerns. I do not want to be a Darwin Award nominee is the category, "Refused to wear helmet when bicycling and breaking a city ordinance while so doing". For me, not having to remove the processors because of soreness and maladjusted glasses is wonderful. No cables also means one less issue . Battery life, clarity and ease of operation are identical so with both processors, you have the best of both worlds! Whoops, I forgot to mention having air flow around my ears is delightful. John

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Thanks John.  It's great to read positive reviews of such a new thing.  I'm looking forward to it.

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  • 4 months later...

I received 2 Rondo a couple of weeks ago and have a few questions.  Does anyone else have difficulty opening and closing the casing to insert and remove batteries?  The latch is super  small and you have to turn the switch at the same time.  Also my Rondo has feedback similar to a hearing aid when I touch it or try wearing a hat with it.  My Opus processors do not do this.  I love to idea of the Rondo but am struggling a bit with them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm receiving a Rondo on Tuesday. Will be the first person at my hospital to receive one. Will update on how it goes!

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I was given both a Rondo and an Opus 2 at my activation in late July.  I want to say that, for me, the Rondo is by far the better one for me.  I've worn the Opus2 for about 30 minutes total since I got it.  I LOVE the Rondo!  Even though I've worn HA's for almost 40 years, and still wear on on the left hear, I just adore not having anything on or in my right ear.  I love that it's all just one, small, discreet thing on my head.  If I'd known how much I adore it I would have asked for 2 Rondo's instead of 1 O2 and 1 Rondo.

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I dropped mine onto a tile floor once and it was fine.  I use the tether, but it dropped when I was handling it.

It's not easily knocked off my head but I use a #4 magnet.

I've not tried hooking it up to anything; don't know about that.

I've not tried talking on the phone with it yet either, phones scare me for some reason.  I do need to tackle that.

I have to change the batteries every 4 days, but hey: you take the bad with the good when you're in love.  I buy batteries in bulk online and it's not too bad.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Martin, I have the Rondo and absolutely love it. Good luck on Tuesday. I think you will be impressed.

Lisa, I use magnet #2 now as well as the small tether. I was using magnet #3 but I started to ache where the two magnets met. My audiologist suggested the #2 as the swelling from the surgery had gone down. The Rondo will dislodge once in awhile (only when I'm careless) but the tether holds it to my hair. Regarding the Opus, will Med-el trade it in for the Rondo? No harm asking. You have company regarding the phone. I still use text messaging. My iPhone does work well though. I've used it to call home when in the airport and had no problem, but all my family use text messaging or email and the only telephone calls I was receiving were telemarketers or politicians so I cancelled my land line.

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Have now had the Rondo on for a few hours. It sounds pretty much as the Opus 2 did when it was first switched on a few weeks ago. I had to abort the Opus after a couple of days as my operation wound was not fully healed and it was pressing against it. Hence the Rondo was a perfect and timely solution!


Just getting used to how it feels on my head. No doubt I will get a few strange looks as I don't have any hair to hide it with!

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Have now had the Rondo on for a few hours. It sounds pretty much as the Opus 2 did when it was first switched on a few weeks ago. I had to abort the Opus after a couple of days as my operation wound was not fully healed and it was pressing against it. Hence the Rondo was a perfect and timely solution!


Just getting used to how it feels on my head. No doubt I will get a few strange looks as I don't have any hair to hide it with!

Ahh, Martin,  you are now sporting the latest in technology and your stock answers can now be:  if I told you what they are, I would have to detain you, its a new specialized two way radio that allows me to communicate with Planet X, it is the computer that allows me to function as a cyborg, with extra-special hearing or, it is the world's first single unit audio processor for CIs.


welcome to the RONDO world!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Lisa, it is always worth mentioning again. We love our Rondos. Martin, you don't want to hide it. It is a wonderful conversation piece and you never know, you might be helping someone who would benefit from the information you supply. I just love talking to people about this miracle.

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