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Roger Pen + X02

John Crozier

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Hi Mary Beth we are still struggling with our Roger Pen + receiver purchase.  After several weeks of back and forth and a lot of frustration our audi has just exchanged the Roger X03 for the Roger X02.  YAY.  Apparently there was miscommunication between Phonak and Audi resulting in our getting the wrong receiver.  It took over two months to rectify but thanks to your guidance we kept insisting we needed the 02.  

The problem now is that John is still hearing a beep on start up and I think you (maybe someone else) had said that when it's set on setting 3 there would be no beeps on start up. So I am now thinking maybe it is still not set right??  Can you guide me again, please.  Thanks.   Could it possibly be different when using the 3 pens (1 roger pen and 2 easy pens).  



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Hi Diane,


Getting the Roger X (02) is great news.  The reason you want the (02) is so that you can have the dedicated setting for the CI processor set.  It makes a huge difference for me with the Sonnets.  Phonak told me that the Roger X (02) receivers can automatically adjust for hearing aid impedance levels but not for CI processor impedance levels and that is why they have dedicated CI settings as options.  To my knowledge there are three ways you can have the Roger (02) receivers set to the dedicated CI setting for the Sonnet:

1) use a Roger Touchscreen Transmitter to set the CI setting

2) use a Roger Inspiro Transmitter to set the CI setting

3) ask Phonak to set the CI setting for you.


It is not possible to set the CI dedicated setting with the Roger Pen.

Some audiologists have either a Roger Touchscreen or Roger Inspiro Transmitter and can do this for you.  It literally takes only a minute,


Good luck.

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Hi Mary Beth.  I saw the audi on Monday.  They cannot confirm at this time if Johns X02 is on setting 3.  That information was not documented at the last visit.  They just documented that they increased the gain by 4 decibels.

The audi is on a seminar currently and Phonak did not have an answer for me.  They will call me back next week.  So we have to hang in there for the time being.  The beeping I am referring to is the start up beep when you connect the Roger Pen. When its set to a dedicated CI setting the beep should be cancelled from what I heard/read leading me to believe it is not set on the dedicated CI setting (setting 3)

  As soon as its resolved I will be so happy to share it. smile.   I have been working on this since June 22nd.  If we could only talk to Phonak ourselves it would be so much easier on us as well....if they had a rep with a CI and using these ALDS to take care of us.  I am reaching for the stars but in a perfect world this would happen.  lol.  Thanks for caring.  Will let you know.  I will be so happy when I know everything is where it needs to be so we can get on with things and however John hears just accept that.  

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Thanks for the update Diane.  The beeps at start up make me think it is not set to the CI dedicated setting.  If that is the case, the additional gain may need to be lowered after it is set.  You have been working on this a long time.  Wish you lived close by.  I would check it for you!

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I too wish you were close by.  Without your help/suggestions I would still have the Roger X03 and would have known no better.   Thanks again,

I also thought it could happen that the gain adjustment might be an issue after setting it to Setting 3.  The problem again is it has to be sent by courier to Phonak to set and when its received at the audi, she calls with an appointment.  If its too loud when John tries it, then it will mean courier to Phonak  to adjust gain  - then appointment at audi to try.  urggh !!!  If that's the case It could take another two weeks to resolve.  My audi does not have an Inspiro in her office.  Why we can't go to Phonak directly is a big disadvantage.  

Hope all is going well with you.  Have a good weekend. 



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There is another option.  You could purchase a Roger Inspiro transmitter on eBay and do the setting yourself.  It is easy to do and only takes a moment.  They seem to be listing for about $70.  Just make sure it is a ROGER Inspiro and that it includes a charging cable.  You could then adjust the Easy Gain up or down whenever you wanted to.  Just a thought.


good luck.

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Ready for a laugh, Mary Beth?  I went on Ebay and purchased a Phonak Inspiro.   With my luck I purchased the wrong one.  I didn't know there were different Inspio.  Mine has Monitor and Sync when you start up.  It should be Check and Connect.  If I had seen those words on line I would have realized right away that what I was buying was not the right one,  Now I have to return on Ebay which I have never done just hope I get some money back.  I should hear from the audi and Phonak early this week and hope they do what's necessary.   This is more than I bargained for.....(laugh)


Have a good weekend.

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I sure wish your mission to give John better access to speech was going smoother.  Phonak has two types of Inspiro transmitters.  They look identical.


Phonak Inspiro (older tech called Dynamic FM)

Phonak Roger Inspiro


In  order  to communicate with Roger X receivers, you need the Roger Inspiro.  Roger pieces work together.

Roger X, Roger 21, Roger Pen, Roger Inspiro, Roger Touchscreen, Roger Clip On, Roger Table Mic.



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@John Crozier


Diane, check this out to see if the Inspiro you have can be upgraded.  Follow the link.  Look at page 12 and on.  Maybe you will be in luck!



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I just checked.  Mine says 5V 750mA and that one cannot be upgraded.  

I guess I shouldn't waste any money on a lottery until my luck changes.  lol.

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@John Crozier,


sorry Diane.  Yeah, I would definitely pass on purchasing lottery cards right now.  Smile.  But my money is on you.  You will get this all set up correctly in the end and hopefully John will have easier listening in groups and noise soon.  

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  • 2 months later...
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@John Crozier

Hi Diane,

Just checking in to see if you were able to get everything sorted out with John’s Roger Pen System.

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