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Had CI surgery waiting for activation day!


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Had CI surgery Dec 29th, it went great, and healing up well.  Activation date is for Jan 29th.   Reading the forums  it seems people are recommending having the Omni mic mode option on one of the 4 slots is that correct?   I'll be getting the Sonnet 2 and Rondo 3.  Any other recommendations for activation day the weeks after?

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I just celebrated my one year anniversary of implantation as a fellow SSD person.  Welcome to the club! 

Frankly, it seems like the microphone setting isn't too important for activation day.  It is all about getting stimulation to that side.  Wearing it a lot, adjusting to all the new hardware, etc.  Omni is popular but I tend to use the standard adaptive intelligence myself as my "daily driver."

One piece of advice, bring something for taking notes.  There will be a lot of information.  Might be interesting to use that notebook as a bit of a journal or diary to record the adventure of what you'll be experiencing.

A rosetta stone  for keeping track of the dizzying number of names and acronyms.  For example, way too many things seem to start with "Audio" - Audiokey2, Audiolink, Audiostream. 

Keep expectations low for activation day.  I had a target of being able to do audiobooks for a big trip 2 months after activation.  Happily exceeded that and was able to do books and stuff on trip to Europe and train trips.

Experiment with tech.  (From your past posts you seem pretty tech savvy but if not, feel free to enlist help from friends or family.)

Some items:

  • Check to see if your public library allows libby audiobooks.  That has been awesome for free audiobook borrowing.  Another option is Amazon's Audible.
  • Start light, ex. using headphones over your sonnet where you change the balance to like 90% to the CI and 10% to the good ear.  I have a theory that this might help jumpstart the brain paying attention to the CI side and give a clue as to what it should sound like.
  • 3D print or order a Rondeo cradle for the Rondo 3. I found it frustrating to have charging problems.  (I get no cut or commission on Rondeos from Ebay, I let @John Schulz take care of that as a way of letting a nice CI-using college student get a little support.)
  • If you don't do podcasts or music streaming, start prepping, that can be really helpful.
  • Get the Audiokey2 app installed on your and get familiar with it.
  • Download Hearoes and AB WordSuccess (or others) on your phone to start playing with.
  • Get a spot to organize the dizzying array of cables, chargers, dryer, etc.

Perhaps a last piece of advice that I've seen from @Mary Beth often, be patient with yourself.  The hearing journey it is a marathon and not a sprint. You will get exhausted from your brain working overtime trying to decode the new signals and reprogram itself. 

Need to get back to work but happy to talk more.  Feel free to DM me if you would like to do a zoom sometime.  Looks like we'll have a big winter storm hitting and I'm going to be housebound through Monday.

Again, great to welcome another new SSD CI recipient!


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7 minutes ago, Tim said:

I just celebrated my one year anniversary of implantation as a fellow SSD person.  Welcome to the club! 

Frankly, it seems like the microphone setting isn't too important for activation day.  It is all about getting stimulation to that side.  Wearing it a lot, adjusting to all the new hardware, etc.  Omni is popular but I tend to use the standard adaptive intelligence myself as my "daily driver."

One piece of advice, bring something for taking notes.  There will be a lot of information.  Might be interesting to use that notebook as a bit of a journal or diary to record the adventure of what you'll be experiencing.

A rosetta stone  for keeping track of the dizzying number of names and acronyms.  For example, way too many things seem to start with "Audio" - Audiokey2, Audiolink, Audiostream. 

Keep expectations low for activation day.  I had a target of being able to do audiobooks for a big trip 2 months after activation.  Happily exceeded that and was able to do books and stuff on trip to Europe and train trips.

Experiment with tech.  (From your past posts you seem pretty tech savvy but if not, feel free to enlist help from friends or family.)

Some items:

  • Check to see if your public library allows libby audiobooks.  That has been awesome for free audiobook borrowing.  Another option is Amazon's Audible.
  • Start light, ex. using headphones over your sonnet where you change the balance to like 90% to the CI and 10% to the good ear.  I have a theory that this might help jumpstart the brain paying attention to the CI side and give a clue as to what it should sound like.
  • 3D print or order a Rondeo cradle for the Rondo 3. I found it frustrating to have charging problems.  (I get no cut or commission on Rondeos from Ebay, I let @John Schulz take care of that as a way of letting a nice CI-using college student get a little support.)
  • If you don't do podcasts or music streaming, start prepping, that can be really helpful.
  • Get the Audiokey2 app installed on your and get familiar with it.
  • Download Hearoes and AB WordSuccess (or others) on your phone to start playing with.
  • Get a spot to organize the dizzying array of cables, chargers, dryer, etc.

Perhaps a last piece of advice that I've seen from @Mary Beth often, be patient with yourself.  The hearing journey it is a marathon and not a sprint. You will get exhausted from your brain working overtime trying to decode the new signals and reprogram itself. 

Need to get back to work but happy to talk more.  Feel free to DM me if you would like to do a zoom sometime.  Looks like we'll have a big winter storm hitting and I'm going to be housebound through Monday.

Again, great to welcome another new SSD CI recipient!


Thank you so much for your extensive reply!   Luckily for me I do most of my work on the computer and listen to podcasts and music every day, as well as some gaming.  So I defiantly plan on taking advantage of that in order to get trained up!


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Great.  Enjoy the tech adventure! 

By the way, I found some podcasts easy to listen to after a month or two.  Others are hard even a year later depending on the voices, their mixing, and the dynamics of the podcast.  (Thick accents, people talking over each other, crowd noise, and poor microphone quality all make it hard.) Adjusting speed is nice and being able to use auto speech to text for captioning can be neat in the early stages too when direct streaming to just your CI.

On Spotify, I slowly "liked" songs that I could kind of recognize or enjoy on my CI and then play them a lot. From my youthful days of CDs with 1600 songs, only a small fraction worked for me.  That list of "liked" songs has grown from about 50 to over 100 and I'm continuing to supplement with "ear worms" of old songs.


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