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AudioStream adapter for Rondo 3 shows up on FCC site

Mary Beth

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Getting closer in the US

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I checked the FDA site a while ago but only saw the HearCares app in process so that’s getting closer as well. There were a few other items but wasn’t able to totally identify them (one seemed to be surgical related). 

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I saw that the HearCare app and Maestro 10 were FDA approved in November.  I have not heard of a US roll out date yet.

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I've heard from an audiologist that not all clinics will be opting into the HearCare system and that any remote programming care must be done by a provider in your state because different states have different laws and certifications. That being said, I am looking forward to these additions!

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There seems to be some features of the HearCare app that are not dependent on clinics opting in.  Obviously to get full benefit from the HearCare app, clinics would need to participate.

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Is this MedEl’s first FCC entry?  I’m curious because it doesn’t look like they’ve had any other items go through the FCC.  Would this approval override an FDA required approval?  One would think there’d be entries for Sonnets, Audiostream v1 and such no?  It also looks like this approval process began back in October.  This doesn’t support bidirectional streaming does it?



Re: HearCare.  It will always depends on the clinic / hospitals.  Each has their own set of procedures.  Many do not support or have the ability/billing to support telehealth type stuff.  These same places also do not support ABs remote thing either.  I know MEEI/MGB in Boston will never allow it, while another hospital across the city is in discussions how it could be used and what system they may need in place but likely won’t go forward within the next 5-10 years on it.

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Med-El has had several items go through FCC approval.  When I searched online I saw the list and dates.  Just recently the AudioStream adapter has been added to the list.  Here is a screenshot of part of the list.  It will still need FDA approval.


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Thanks!  Not familiar with the FCC site so no clues if this was a one off or something.  Do the FDA approvals come soon after the FCC approvals?

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@John F

Timing varies with FDA approvals.  The website I check updates each Monday.  There is always a period of time after FDA approval and before the item is available to order in the US.  When it is available, you will definitely know.  Smile.  Until then, it only guesses.

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  • 2 weeks later...

FCC and FDA are two totally different, and unrelated entities.

FCC compliance will be related to the fact that the Audiostream adapter is a communication device, but the FCC complaince would run independently of the FDA approvals.

Not sure if FDA would require FCC compliance before they tick their boxes or if that could run in parallel. Typically, these compliance organizations all operate in total darkness of one another and the manufacturer is required to ensure they comply to whatever is necessary prior to releasing product to market.

Some guy in South Africa posted on FB the other week that he had one he was trialling, presumably SA compliance regulations are much more lax than everywhere else!


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  • 4 weeks later...
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@Mike Austin

Do you like the Rondo 3 AudioStream adapter?  Any tips?

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@Mary Beth - I don't actually have one yet.  That's just the Telecoil adaptor I received (and have never used).  The AudioStream comes in the same form-factor, so used the Telecoil adaptor for my design process.

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I'm assuming the big black and white thing with an orange strap is a fancy travel case. I'm not sure what the use case is for it. It seems overly complicated and without space for the retention system for the Rondo 3 with Audiostream in case someone wants to take off the Audiostream but keep wearing the Rondo.  They'll just end up keeping on the retention clip without the Audiostream adapter.

In practice, I think that unless it really affects battery life, I'm likely to just put the adapter and retention clip on my Rondo 3 and never remote it except for cover replacement.  Maybe I'll take it the Audiostream from my Rondo 3 in adverse conditions like exercise or when outside in possible drizzle.

I expect that I'll just stick with the little black case that I use for all my general gear. 


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9 minutes ago, Tim said:

I'm assuming the big black and white thing with an orange strap is a fancy travel case. I'm not sure what the use case is for it. It seems overly complicated and without space for the retention system for the Rondo 3 with Audiostream in case someone wants to take off the Audiostream but keep wearing the Rondo.  They'll just end up keeping on the retention clip without the Audiostream adapter.

In practice, I think that unless it really affects battery life, I'm likely to just put the adapter and retention clip on my Rondo 3 and never remote it except for cover replacement.  Maybe I'll take it the Audiostream from my Rondo 3 in adverse conditions like exercise or when outside in possible drizzle.

I expect that I'll just stick with the little black case that I use for all my general gear. 


It’s just a tiny case for storing them exactly like is used for the Telecoil adapter. 

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6 hours ago, John F said:

It is now in the US store.  



Just ordered. I’m not a fan of retention clips. Hopefully it stays on tight without it. 

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I don’t see anything in the instructions for those who have already configured AudioStream covers for Sonnet series. Wondering if this means there won’t be any issues in the configuration process. 

Also surprised that no update to AudioKey2 is needed, that I can see at least in the iOS App Store. 

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Can a phone have more than 2 devices paired as hearing devices at the same time?

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I’ll find out when I get them. I’m sure they can be left paired at the same time but not used at the same time… mostly just curious how AK2 would differentiate between the adapter and sleeve unless they’re truly identical and it doesn’t matter. 

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I thought AK2 was only needed to originally configure AudioStream as L/R or a bilateral pair and after that configuration was only needed for firmware updates. @Lauren

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@Lauren They pmuch are identical.  The only difference for now is the Rondo version can have a 0-100 mix (via Audiologist) while the Sonnets cannot.  So, they get configured the same in the app.  


@Moderators Can you verify if we have Sonnet AudioStreams already connected to our phones, whether we need to forget them to connect the Rondo’s AudioStreams?   Assuming we will need to forget the Sonnet versions.

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Did anyone else in the US get an email about the adapter being available and also a limited time discount code? Wondering if enough people can take advantage of it and/or if the same discount would be available to other countries too. 

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I spoke to Brittany from technical support on the phone at Med-El a little while ago, and she said HearPeers has $25 off coupon codes for the AudioStream Adapter. Where can I find the code at, or how do I get one, as I’m ready to buy it?

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The code is 25AudioStream

Hope this helps.

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