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Desperate for Waterproofing


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My name is Cristin Doty, my LO just turned 2 years old and she was implanted bilaterally with Med-El, March 30, 2012 at 9.5 months and uses bilateral opus 2 processors.  To date, we have been very pleased with Med-El and she is doing beautifully, but I am writing this today to plead with this company to address the waterproofing issue. My daughter just recently turned 2 and thinks she is 4 (ha!), she absolutely LOVES the water, but she is so independent (which I am thankful for) that it has become a safety issue at the pool and it is very difficult for us to go. When we are at the pool her processors obviously have to be removed (esp since we don't have a back up set) and it is so difficult on a number of levels to attend to her without her "sound." She not only is missing out on teaching moments both in the bathtub and the pool (ie swim lessons, stopping her from running towards the water without me), but socially, she is unable to interact with her little friends. She is just now starting to play "with" her friends, but when she is in the pool or sprinklers without her "sound" she is more of a loner and quite frankly it breaks my heart. I am begging for this issue to be addressed and am curious if there is anyone specific I should write a letter to, to plead my case. Does anybody know? What does everybody else think about this issue?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Cristin, Welcome to hearpeers!


I am happy to hear how well your little one is doing with her CI's. This is a pretty popular topic these days. because of the many rules and regulations involved wit R/D and in dealing with the FDA, most companies wont say anything about any new advancements in say waterproofing, processor design, coding strategies......until they get the all clear from the FDA. My guess is (again just speculation on my part) that MEDEL is looking into this issue as it seems to be a very important want/need for CI recipients and thier families.

As far as who to contact, I would touch base with your customer service rep and voice your concerns.

please let us know how she is doing.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Cristine,


as a hard core user - over 30 years I can say you that this has been always an issue. I remember how my mum was explaining to me how HA is not waterproof and yet I forgot myself and done - crazy thing, run into the water...

I remember that moment very clearly when I started to create thought that I can not do all things like other kids: be carefree for instance in lot of situation.

Somewhere and sometimes, an independent company has issued a waterproof model but without much dispatch success.

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I just lost my prev. post, so I'll do it again; I apologize in advance if both somehow appear.


Anyway, there is a great video on YouTube showing how a dad waterproofs his son's processor by sealing it in an airtight plastic thingamajig that's intended to seal food.  I don't have the link but if you go to YouTube and search, I'm sure you'll find it.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Lisa I saw that link and although it would be tempting to give it a go. If anything happens like hole in bag he didnt see or water gets into processor somehow, he basically has a VERY expensive earing as doing something like that would void any warranty he might have. I'm sure he wants his child to hear during swimming but there is no way I would take that chance.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Yes Adam, but they did not have usefull guarantee in those moments even if they do nothing. Better something than nothing however... But of course people take it so easy and foget themselves....

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Thank u everybody for your response regarding this issue! I'm just super prayerful and hopeful they will address this area soon!

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I'm sure everybody is impatiently waiting for MED-EL to debut a waterproof processor, too. Hello, MED-EL. We are waiting...............


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Sid, that would be pretty cool to not have to worry about excessive moisture. I'm looking forward to seeing what they an come up with.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a 4 y.o. son with bilateral implants.  I agree, Med El needs a waterproof processor ASAP! This would be a huge gain for the company in the U.S. if they had a waterproof rating to match and compete with Cochlear.  I see so many of my son's peers who use the cochlear processor and cannot believe Med El does not have something available yet to compete against them.  It doesn't even compare!  As a parent to a young child, the lack of waterproofing is a huge concern - perspiration from sports and physical play, weather (snow/rain), and water activities - swimming, squirt guns, water balloons.  These are all circumstances that affect children.

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I thought it was Advanced Bionics who held the patent on a truly waterproof CI, it's their model called the 'Neptune'.


MedEl has the Rondo and the longest electrode array; AB has the waterproof Neptune.


I'd LOVE a waterproof Rondo, even if I had to wear a swim cap over it to make sure it didn't get lost.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Lisa AB has the waterproof processor which is the neptune. you are correct. Cochlear has a water tight bag that you put the processor in and seal shut. I am pretty sure you can count on MEDEL coming up with something.

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Yes, I'm not complaining; I am just so grateful for this technology!

I am starting to feel recovered enough from surgery (still dealing with dizziness/balance issues) to begin being eager for Activation Day to arrive.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

when is activation Lisa?

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Be prepared Lisa and remember what you hear the first day is not what you will hear for the rest of your life.  Second day will be better and the third again.  Expose yourself to noise even for a short time to assist the process.  Take note of what is good and what is bad etc to help your audiologist.  Exciting times.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


when is activation Lisa?

In her sig line it says 7/29/13 - I didn't know the northern hemisphere had more than 12 months? Sealed

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  • HearPeers Heroes



when is activation Lisa?

In her sig line it says 7/29/13 - I didn't know the northern hemisphere had more than 12 months? Sealed


Can it possibly be - a year designation? Tongue out

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Oh, you European types, you!


Let's put it this way: Only 20 more days until Activation!!!!!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Matt doesn't cut me a break. I'll blame it on the brain surgery

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Counting down Lisa. The sounds get better and better. It is a noisy world out there! But oh so good to hear!

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Ok, time for the absent minded deaf professor to pipe up! Us correct thinkers go DD then MM then YYYY. Those who don't learn the correct date terminology are doomed to repeat their mistakes.

Lisa, that means that on July 29th (7/29) Alvin and the chipmunks on helium, Mickey and Minnie, Chip and Dale will all go to New Hampshire to visit you! This will be a joyous occasion and quite possibly the most frustrating, too. I am pulling for lots of the former and none of the latter.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Dont forget our freind Darth Vader or did he only visit me?

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Darth Vader and his yelping dogs with a mouse stuck in there somewhere.  It was sure a weird sensory experience no matter how much you 'prepare' for it.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Amen Karen!! Hard to believe from that first day how normal everythging sounds now.

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