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Biggest Blessing ... Incredibly Frustrating


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After completely losing my hearing over a 6-hour span in late June of 2017, my Sonnet implant was activated January 3 of this year.  It has been a HUGE blessing. As well as a source of much frustration. I will try to explain the issues as concisely as I can. 

When I started, I showed improvement on hearing and comprehension week after week. But at some point I reached a plateau and my hearing and comprehension actually begin to decline. So I went to my audiologist, she made some tweaks, and my hearing improved. Then, a few weeks later, I plateau and it starts to decline again. So I go back for more tweaks, during which I show improvement for a few weeks before beginning to decline again. 

The first time this happened, I was mailed a new processor and I mailed my original one back. My latest visit to my audiologist was this past Wednesday. By Saturday I had asked people to repeat themselves more than I had in the past 2 months. It's incredibly frustrating. At one point in this journey, and the time that I heard the clearest, was using the Roger pen with a MyLink telecoil loop around my neck. The hearing was so crystal clear. Now, even when I use that I am having difficulty with comprehension and understanding. 

 Is this normal at 7 months? Is there anything more I should be doing? I'm open to ANY & ALL suggestions. Thank you.

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Hi @Stuman51


Welcome to HearPeers and congratulations on getting your CI.

Normal is a hard term to describe in CI journeys as all journeys are so unique.

In the beginning months, it is common to need new MAPs in order to hear well.  As our auditory system gets used to the CI input, it needs a stronger signal.  BUT this stabilizes at some point and then things remain steady for us with smaller tweaks possibly every 6 months.

It is interesting that you seem to benefit from a new MAP for only a few days before having difficulty even though you are 7 months post activation.

Do you have a back up processor?  If so, is it another Sonnet or a Rondo?


Have you changed your Sonnet mic cover yet?  It is recommended to change that every 3 months.  Med-El has a video on their YouTube channel showing how t do it.


Are you using disposable batteries or rechargeable batteries with your Sonnet?


I would take your Sonnet apart.....separate the DL-coil, cable from both ends, battery pack or rechargeable adapter, battery cover.  Then reassemble it.


Which area of the US are you in?  Each region has a Med-El audiologist assigned who helps our audiologists.  They are called CAMs (Clinical Account Managers).  You can request that your audiologist schedule an appt for you at a time when her CAM can  join too.


Do you happen to know which mic setting your audiologist has set your MAP to?  Natural, Adaptive, Omni?


This must be very frustrating for you.  

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Hi, Mary Beth. Thanks so much for responding. To answer your questions:

I do not have a back up processor. I think I may may have changed the mic cover a few months ago but I will change that and disassemble and reassemble as you suggest. We'll see how that goes. I am using rechargeable batteries. I've never used the disposable batteries at all. Is there a sound difference based on batteries?

I live in Michigan and loved my CAM (unfortunately, she was let go by Med-el). I don't know the current one as well but I should get to know her. 

And yes, it is frustrating. And not just for me. My wife bears the brunt of these ups and downs as she is the one that I communicate with the most. She usually clues me in that my comprehension is declining by pointing out how many times I am asking people to repeat themselves. It has been a lot lately.

I'll try what you mention when I get home from work. Keep your fingers crossed.

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My fingers are crossed for you.  Keep us posted.


One more thought.  I had trouble with my Sonnet seeming too quiet last year and it was replaced several times.  In the end, it turns out that it was not the Sonnet control unit that had the problem but rather the DL-coil which was malfunctioning.  So you may want to check into that.  When we replaced my DL-coil that problem with one Sonnet sometimes sounding too quiet disappeared completely.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Mary Beth, I can't believe that it's now November! My hearing with the CI fluctuates greatly. I'm currently on a down spell and have an appointment with my audiologist on November 26. When I left the office last time I had 4 settings I could use on my Fine Tuner. Now 2 of them I can't even hear out of and the other 2 have had some degradation in sound quality. So I will definitely be asking about replacing the DL-coil at that visit. Thank you for the suggestion.


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I am sorry you are having trouble.  Please keep us posted.  I am glad you have an appt soon.

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I also had the same problem as it turned out it was the DL Coil try not to get too up set as time goes on tou will find that MEDEL customer service is awesome.I am bilateral and had two issues and they were handled very well

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The DL-coils do seem to present problems at times which are hard to determine are related to the functioning of the DL-coil.  Since the D-coils were never any issue for me, I sometimes forget to consider that the problem could be in the DL-coil.


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Interesting reading about the DL-coil. I wear DL-coil o both sides and yet to experience any of the problems mentioned here. 

I will keep that in mind however.

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