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Cochlear Implant in Pittsburgh Area

Dave in Pittsburgh

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Would anyone in Pittsburgh be interested in forming a group that would meet every so often at a Panera Bread Location we could reserved the meeting room so it be quite ,this would not take or replace or interfere with MED EL open house or meet ups.In fact this may help those who can’t attend a MEDEL function and we could help each other.I am located in the North Hills and we could rotate location to accommodate each other.

Let not overlook Washington PA.  or Wheeling WVA.?




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  • HearPeers Heroes

If I lived in the area, I would join in!

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@Mary Beth  Wish you did. No interest yet. Can you use the Neckloop loop with both Rondo and Sonnet. So by doing this you would not be using Roger Pen

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Yes the Artone neckloop can be used with all processors on MT for mix or T just for streaming.  It also works with all hearing  aids that have an active It connects to devices via Bluetooth.


But if you are asking about the Roger neckloop, that must be used with a Roger transmitter (Roger Pen or Roger Select).

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@Mary Beth Ok Thanks.So if am understanding you if Izwerecto wear Rondo on one side and Sonnets on the other I have to use the Artone. Correct 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

If you wear one Sonnet and one Rondo 2....


-you can use the Artone to stream via Bluetooth (put both processors on MT or T)


-you can use Roger Pen or Select with the Roger MyLink neckloop (put both processors on MY or T

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