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I'm a bit over three months post-activation. I've recently noticed that I have a low frequency humming sensation which is there all the time now. It does get masked some when I wear the processor and there are other ambient noises. I've never noticed it before and assume it's a recent development. I've not experienced tinnitus when I wore hearing aids. My hearing aid ear doesn't exhibit the same sound sensation. My ear canal and upper ear is all tingly recently as well. Is it tinnitus or could it be something else like nerves waking up? To try to describe the hum, it sounds like it is humming like my leg feels when it is waking up after it "falls asleep". 

In other news, my 3 month checkup went well, my scores gained 30% over my 1 month scores. I'm pleased on the progress, but I know I still have a long way to go. 🙂

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Usually sounds we hear even when the processor is not on, end up being tinnitus.


But since you are experiencing tingling sensations (which doesn’t  happen with tinnitus), I would contact my CI team.  


Congratulations on your increased scores!

  • HearPeers Heroes


You could be spot on about nerve endings.  Keep us posted.  I tend to opt for better safe than sorry.

I will be thinking of you and hoping all is just fine.

I heard back, and it's most likely tinnitus. It may have been extra noticeable due to the cold that's been going around. I didn't feel under the weather though.

At this point, it's pretty much wait and see what happens with it. It may improve down the road.

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