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Question - Regarding Constant Beeping?


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I have a daughter 8 who is bilaterally implanted since she was one. For the past year we have been intermittently having an issue where one side is beeping. It is a recurrent issue, starting earlier this year and then coming and going from there. When it starts it lasts for a week or 2 or sometimes up to 3-4, then will resolve and then start again months later. The beeping is with a rhythm and she can not hear over  it. The only way to stop it is to take that side off.

Our audiologist is stumped to what it is and has runs tests which suggest that there is no faults or errors. Med-el sent out a local representative who ran further tests but they 2 can not find fault. She did have a Roger Fm attached which we have had tested and there was no fault with that either. We even tried a new FM system to no avail. 

Has anyone experienced similar? or has any ideas? 

Chloe has been re-implanted on that side previously due to a failure, so we are worried that this could leave to another failure.

Thanks for taking the time to read :)

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I had false dead battery alerts in my Sonnets.  Turns out it was when using only a specific battery brand.  When I returned to Power One Implant Plus batteries that stopped.

Others have reported constant false dead battery beeps (which are loud and annoying) when using rechargeable batteries with Sonnets.

As far as I know everyone solved the issue by .....

-switching to Power One Implant batteries

-replacing BOTH the disposable battery pack AND the battery cover

-replacing the rechargeable battery adapter

-replacing the rechargeable batteries


If the problem remained, I would ask to replace the control unit (processor).

If it still occurred, I would discuss turning off the low battery beep alert.

I hope this helps and you find a solution soon.  That must be so annoying!

Keep us updated.  Wishing Chloe the very best!

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Thanks Mary, we only ever use Power One Implant Batteries, and we have changed the battery cover with no success as yet.

We do use a Roger FM on that side, so I wasn't sure if that was the issue. Have you heard on that before? We have tried another FM but it hasn't helped.

I will ask them to turn off the low battery beep alert and see if that helps the issue.

Thanks Mary you response had a lot of great things to try, I will let you know how things go:)

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Is your daughter using Sonnet?  Are you using the Roger X receiver plugged into the FM battery cover or the integrated Roger 21 battery cover?

Roger drains battery power from our CI batteries.

Have you noticed if this happens on the first day of use with new batteries or only on the second day?

Do you have rechargeable batteries to try?

Have you replaced the disposable battery pack yet?

Sorry so many questions.

Those beeps would annoy me.


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@@Jessdunn1iI am bilateral I have experience the same problem I use disposable batteries often about 80% I use either PowerOne Implant Batteries or RayO Vac I notice when I use other brands I get false beeps. I tried switching the battery frames no success also be sure the batteries are for implants I understand there is 675 hearing aid batteries these are not powerful enough for implants and Roger.

I also use Roger a lot.

Good Luck


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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Dave in Pittsburgh and @@Jessdunn1

If this beeping is similar to what I experienced with false dead battery beeps,   the Sonnets continued to sound fine in between those beeps.  But the beeps were so annoying.  This is why I wonder if having those audible low battery alert beeps turned off may help.  But your child would need to be a good reporter to let you know of any sound issues or dead batteries.

It should not be happening.  So possibly your audiologist will suggest an exchange of Sonnets under warranty.

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Hi Mary,

Yes she still hearing in between the beeps so it sounds like its that. Thanks @Dave in Pittsburgh, yes we only use the batteries recommended by our local childrens' Hospital, but we have found in the past that sometimes they arrive at 80% power, so I will have to look into that.

On another topic, my daughter also reports a low drumming sound all the time. Its very quite so she said it isn't noticeable when there is noise around as its drowned out. Have either of you experienced that before or heard of it?

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@@Jessdunn1 Noise is a common things it seem as I said I am bilateral first2016 and second 2018 back in Sept I started to get noise  drumming sounds about 3 AM this kept up for almost 5 weeks contact my audiologists and she said this is common it eventually went away (it’s 3 am no processor on head just the implant inside of head) so go figure had  a tough time sleeping.

Is there an MEDEL meet up in your are if so I suggest you and you daughter attend ,meet other CI age no barrier I go to everyone when one when in Pittsburgh  keep a journal and take with you


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  • HearPeers Heroes


Does she hear the quiet drumming sound on both sides?

If you remove her coils when she hears the quiet drumming sound, does she still hear it?

These answers will help you know if she is possibly hearing a threshold sound-which can be MAPped out by her audiologist


if she has tinnitus that is sounding like drumming 

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  • 2 years later...
  • HearPeers Heroes


Does your daughter hear the sound when her processors are off?

Which processors does she use?

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No the beeping doesn’t not happen when they are off.  She is a bilateral Cochlear Nucleus 7 user.  We have been having random beeping that is constantly inconsistent.  It has everyone stumped.  We have tried new processors, remapping. Everything.  I’m to the point of going to other companies for help.  It never happens at home but mostly at school, her dance studio, church.   Mostly places that we have noticed that have speaker systems. We can’t really find out what triggers it but we know the only thing that stops it for sure is going outside.  Internal and outside processors have been tested and ruled out.  We are getting desperate because she can’t attend school because sometimes the beeping starts and won’t stop until we leave the school. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


This forum is hosted by the Med-El brand so almost everyone here uses Med-El processors.


Are you sure that her telecoil is not active in her processor?  That she is not accidentally on a MT setting?  Telecoil picks up various electromagnetic interference.  Sometimes it sounds like buzzing or static.  Other times it has a definite pulsing sound.

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Oh yes I’m aware this is a Med-el group. I’m just that desperate.  Seems like no one in Cochlear has ever had this issue.  Telecoil is off and been disabled.  We have even tried turning off all scan features.  It seems like some kind of interference or something happens when she goes from hearing a speaker sound to a non speaker sound it causes beeping.  She been implanted for 8yrs with no issues and then about any month ago the random beeping started .    Desperate to find answers from anywhere. I appreciate any and all help. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I am so sorry this is happening to your daughter.  How frustrating.

If I think of any other ideas I will be sure to tag you.

I hope this gets sorted out soon.

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Hi there, i found when starting to rehab on my laptop using audio link im getting low buzz and some static. Ive discovered possibly my cable plug in to audiolink maybe going out. If the set up is moved around it causes noise. Once i put everything down so its not moving all the fuzz andbuzz are gone. 

When i use audio stream i get some loudclicks coinciding with internet goings on plus notifications on my phone. It doesnt bother me much, but conversation is a little sharper with audiostream.

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