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Hello! My name is Tanya! I have a 17 year old son. We are looking to purchase an induction cooktop/ stove. Does anyone own one and does it affect the person with CI? Any tips? Good idea to get it or not? We looked at different websites and doesn’t really say anything about CI users.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


welcome!  We discussed induction cooktops on here before but the search function is not showing it.  So I will tag @MED-EL Moderator so they can tell us about induction cooktops and our CIs.



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Hi @Tanya, thanks for your question!

I will double-check with our product experts and will get back to you asap. 

Best regards, Verena 

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Hi @Tanya

induction stoves are okay to use with a cochlear implant. There shouldn't be any sound sensations or issues for the implant if your son keeps his head a minimum distance of about 5-10 cm (2-4 inches) from the induction cooktop. In some rare cases, it may temporarily reduce the processor’s sound volume. The volume should return to normal once the person moves away from the cooktop.

Hope this helps!

Kind regards, Verena 

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