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syncing sonnet 2 with roger select


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Hello...I hope this finds everyone as well as can be expected under the circumstances...about to take both sonnet 2s off due to my husband and daughter debating socialism right now... :)))  

I cannot get my roger select to syn with my sonnet 2s...I have followed the directions and when I try to sync, I get the red light...I have synced with my phone, and once, everything went silent, but when I try to play music from my phone, or try a phone call, I get nothing...does anyone have any suggestions?  

Thanks very much for your time...I have tried listening to music with the audio link, but the music cuts out a lot and I have a lot of very loud static when I try to listen and walk.  I am unable to meet with my rep or audiologist due to all that is happening right now.

Take very good care...


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  • HearPeers Heroes


The benefits of bilateral CIs!  Removable ears when needed.  Smile!


I have the same problems with the AudioLink cutting out and experiencing static.


Which receivers are you using with the Roger Select?  Do you have the Roger 21 integrated Sonnet 2  battery cover receiver, the Roger X 3 pin receiver that plugs into the Sonnet 2 FM battery cover or the Roger MyLink neckloop receiver?  All 3 Roger receivers work with the Sonnet 2 processors.  It will help us troubleshoot if we know which receiver you are using.

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He he...I am so confused by your question!  I have the round Roger Select. I have the user guide in front of me, but it does not answer your question.  I have the mylink 1.1 receiver, but I am trying to sync with the round select.  Thank you! 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


All Roger equipment works like this....

a Roger transmitter sends the audio to a Roger receiver.

Sonnet 2 does not have a built in ROGER receiver. It has a built in Med-El receiver that accepts the audio from the AudioLink ONLY.

So when we use Roger transmitters (Roger Select), we must also use a Roger receiver (you have the Roger MyLink).

With the Roger MyLink and Roger Select, audio will travel like this:

sound source to Roger Select (BT for phone calls only.  Must use an A2DP converter app for all other audio OR must use cables/dock)

Roger Select to Roger MyLink (they need to be synced)

Processor must be on MT or T.  Roger MyLink around your neck.  Audio travels via induction to the processor’s internal telecoil.


I prefer to use the Artone 3 MAX BT neckloop.  It is more user friendly.  It connects with my phone via BT and does not need any type of converter app.  All audio works.  It is smaller and lighter and works perfectly as a hands free phone.  Processors on MT or T.


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Thank you for this information...I am still pretty confused by it. When I read the instructions for the roger select, it does not mention the mylink...that is where my confusion lies.

So, I think I have the receiver connected to the select...I will keep playing with it to figure it out. At this point, thinking about a good quality pair of headphones. It is all so confusing to me... 

Thanks very much for the information Mary Beth...I am having continued success listening to music and with my word recognition. My biggest struggle is group conversations, but I will keep working on that. 

Take very good care! ❤️ 


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so, I try to play music...roger select is checked when I play it, outside sounds are muted, but I am not hearing music...need to shut it down for the night...I have been working on this on and off all day with no success. Hoping to maybe have a zoom meeting with my rep to see what I am doing wrong...thanks again! 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Roger (just like the AudioLink) does not stream music without using a converter app.  I will post a link.

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Thank you again Mary Beth...still struggling with it all. I am not understanding how the Roger mylink is connected to all of it. I went ahead and purchased the app & followed the instructions, but I am still unable to hear music. I am hoping things will lighten up here soon and I will be able to meet with my rep...I have an appointment with my audiologist next week. I am hoping she can help me with it also.

Stay well! ❤️ 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


If you need more help with this, email me and we will figure it out together.



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