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Hi! New CI Implant Yesterday

Chris S

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I was activated in my right ear yesterday at Mass Eye & Ear in Boston, lost all hearing come four years in March and I would say for me the tinnitus has been equally as difficult to live with. No magic Hollywood moments so far but when the processor is on my tinnitus is def. masked and although I can barely make out the vocals  I'm listening actually listening to New Order directly to my right ear and that def. seems like a minor miracle as I hear the drums and bass. I can also get a sense of sound localization when for example water is running from a faucet. Overall very exciting & btw Mary Beth I've been reading a lot of your posts since before I decided to get an implant and they have been very helpful!--Chris good luck to you and I too had to wait a little extra because of T-giving here in the states and was literally jumping out of my skin to be activated. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Jared Charney

Congratulations!  Things improve quite rapidly for most during the first months after activation.  Exciting times!  Which processor did you choose?

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i was implanted at MEE almost two years ago. I think you’ll find the audiologists very knowledgeable and helpful. I have to say I’m jealous of your ability to recognize music. Even after all this time music sounds horrible to me. Keep working at your rehab and word and sound recognition will improve. Good luck. 

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Thanks John, the only thing that worries me about that so far is that it won't improve. I can still only hear drums and bass and the vocals sound like they are being sung by Gollum from Lord of the Rings. How is your overall experience been? 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Jared Charney

music started making significant improvement for me at around 3-4 months after activation and kept on improving.  The journey was amazing. I hope you are as fortunate.

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thanks for the encouragement and I actually do feel optimistic that I'm headed in that direction !

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@Jared Charney


overall I’ve had a positive experience. I worked hard with rehab early on and it paid off. My ability to recognize sounds and words greatly improved. Lately I’ve had some speed bumps but I can still understand speechbetter than I could pre CI. I’ve begun to think that my issue with music (and perhaps the bumps in the road) are a function of my non implanted ear which has no better hearing than the one that was implanted. That said, I am very hesitant to go bilateral. 
mid be glad to share my experiences with MEE or answer any questions you might have. We Bostonians need to stick together!!😀

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sounds great John, yes, I have found this forum extremely useful and I look forward to the day when we can all meet up to share stories etc. especially us Yokels! 

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