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Hello All,

I was fitted with Soundbridge about 1 year ago - I Love it!  As I just broke one of the small clips in my Matt Black Samba cover I had to swich back to the shiny black one that came with the processor. It made me realise that I am lucky to have two (black) options - none of the other covers I received in the package are much use to me (see photo) and it made me think that if there were a UK contact group for this them we could possibly help one another. Particularly - possibly - exchanging some covers !!

Thus - I would love to hear from you if you are in UK and have Vibrant Sound bridge and perhaps - if there is interest we can make a sub forum on this site - or something.

Best Regards, Jon


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  • 5 months later...


I got my vibrant sound bridge April this year! And like to discuss with other people,who carry the vibrant too!

Will I end up with good hearing ,just now it comes with noise and echo....


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I think it has a good chance to improve. I had several (2 or 3?) adjustments (almost monthly) after first fitting. I think partly its your brain has to get used to the new signals. I had only about 40% before vibrant but now I would say it's 85-90% and very good quality..

I would suggest you talk to the audiologist about adjusting it.. ?

Hope this is helpful. 

Rgds. Jon

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Thanks Jon

So I must have patience ?

How did you hear the sounds in the beginning?sounds plus an echo,real sounds,akoustic?

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  • HearPeers Heroes
On 9/17/2017 at 6:41 PM, Jon said:


I think it has a good chance to improve. I had several (2 or 3?) adjustments (almost monthly) after first fitting. I think partly its your brain has to get used to the new signals. I had only about 40% before vibrant but now I would say it's 85-90% and very good quality..

I would suggest you talk to the audiologist about adjusting it.. ?

Hope this is helpful. 

Rgds. Jon


I agree with Jon.

Although I am implanted with a different system (BB), I have had a similar experience: I needed few fittings between because my brain had to adjust to new hearing opportunities - and hurdles.

In my case, it sounded like I needed more volume, and further refitting in order to understand words which I already could immediately after fitting.

I was totally puzzled with these episodes but my friends here helped me to understand what had been going on... Classic case of evolving neuroplasticity in reality... Only, nobody knew clearly to explain me.

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  • HearPeers Heroes
On 9/17/2017 at 6:41 PM, Jon said:


I think it has a good chance to improve. I had several (2 or 3?) adjustments (almost monthly) after first fitting. I think partly its your brain has to get used to the new signals. I had only about 40% before vibrant but now I would say it's 85-90% and very good quality..

I would suggest you talk to the audiologist about adjusting it.. ?

Hope this is helpful. 

Rgds. Jon


I agree with Jon.

Although I am implanted with a different system (BB), I have had a similar experience: I needed few fittings between because my brain had to adjust to new hearing opportunities - and hurdles.

In my case, it sounded like I needed more volume, and further refitting in order to understand words which I already could immediately after fitting.

I was totally puzzled with these episodes but my friends here helped me to understand what had been going on... Classic case of evolving neuroplasticity in reality... Only, nobody knew clearly to explain me.

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  • HearPeers Heroes
On 9/17/2017 at 6:41 PM, Jon said:


I think it has a good chance to improve. I had several (2 or 3?) adjustments (almost monthly) after first fitting. I think partly its your brain has to get used to the new signals. I had only about 40% before vibrant but now I would say it's 85-90% and very good quality..

I would suggest you talk to the audiologist about adjusting it.. ?

Hope this is helpful. 

Rgds. Jon


I agree with Jon.

Although I am implanted with a different system (BB), I have had a similar experience: I needed few fittings between because my brain had to adjust to new hearing opportunities - and hurdles.

In my case, it sounded like I needed more volume, and further refitting in order to understand words which I already could immediately after fitting.

I was totally puzzled with these episodes but my friends here helped me to understand what had been going on... Classic case of evolving neuroplasticity in reality... Only, nobody knew clearly to explain me.

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  • 4 years later...


it took about six months overall for me to have perfect hearnig with a middle ear implant

that said

I could hear straight away - but it just simply got better

I was told it did take time for everything to settle down inside your head !

I wish you the very best - the middle ear soundbridge gave me back my life


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