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Rondo: Retention or not?

Heather W

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I’m wondering if everyone (adults) wears some sort of retention with Rondo or not? 

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@Heather W @Mary Beth

I have the clothes attachment clip that I sometimes use. I put the clip on the back of my shirt and if my Rondo 3s go anywhere they don’t go far. It’s not necessary all the time but nice to have for peace of mind. 

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I put the clothes clip on during my first day and have never taken it off of my Rondo 3!  I like the reassurance of knowing it won't hit the ground or get lost somewhere.

I don't care about the dangling string - helps highlight my hearing issue and perhaps make others feel less self-conscious if they have a disability.  (I had a student that drew inspiration from seeing my previous hearing device and was then willing to finally get long-needed help from a disability resource center - it changed his life.)


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I use the hair clip with my rondo 3 as it give me more security although I have only had it needed one time.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I use Rondo 2 retention, very similar as "I made" for my previous Rondo.

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I used retention for a while with my Rondo 1s, but found it to be too fussy. My hair is too fine to hold the clip. Clipping onto my glasses made it a nuisance to take them off or to change to sunglasses. I'm not sure there were tethers long enough then to reach my shirt.

I paid the price for this on a canal boat trip in 2017. The short story is that I fell off the back of the boat (or, more accurately, the boat was driven out from under me as I held the stern line, but either way I took a bath in the oily, scummy contents of a canal lock in the upper Saone River). Both Rondos now rest in a watery grave, where they will no doubt be found by future archaeologists.

But, come to think of it, it was MED-EL that actually paid the price; they replaced the Rondos under their one-time idiot-proof guarantee. In any case, it's not clear if the tethers would have helped since they were both submerged without waterwear covers.

Being a slow learner, I don't wear tethers on my Rondo 3s. But I also don't wear them when I'm around the water.

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I dropped my Rondo 3 in first week when I wasn't using any retention. It was raining and I was using umbrella. The same umbrella hit my Rondo 3 and it went down the wet road. Hopefully there wasn't any damage but my breath was stopped for a moment or two. 

I attached it to cloth clip as soon as I was back at home and have never detached it till today. Always using it. Can't afford to lose it again. Have plenty of instances when it was dropped and saved by the clip in past 8 months.

Note: I was using 5s megnet when I dropped it first. It doesn't matter if you have good strength megnet, it can still be lost. Now I am using 3s magnet so it happens more frequently. Having it clipped to cloth gives me much needed peace of mind 😛

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have used clips ever since day 1. I started out with the hair clip but moved to the clothes clip over a year ago. I echo @Timcomments. The line does sometimes break, so keep a spare.

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Hi, ich habe mit der Haarspange angefangen, es hielt nicht gut. Deshalb habe ich zum Haarclip gewechselt. Ich habe solche Angst es zu verlieren, zum Radfahren benutze ich zusätzlich das Sportstirnband. Lg 

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