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Why Med-El ?


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Good Evening- I am new to the Forum. I live on the North Shore in Boston. I have met with an ENT , a surgeon and an audiologist atMass Eye and Eye. So, I am heading down the path of getting an implant. I have worn hearing aids for 20 years and they just don't work effectively for me anymore. I am an older adult ☺️, but still active with golf , jogging/walking and trying to keep up with the grandkids.  In meeting with the audiologist she showed me the different brands and explained some of the features of the different manufacturers.  I'm supposed to choose based on 30 minutes or so of information.... tough to do , given this is a long term decision.

I've gotten materials and am trying to make the best informed decision. I'd be interested in why you chose Med-El as you implant provider. I find that the user community is the best source of information.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Welcome @rkbaker@fuse.net!


I remember clearly how overwhelmed I was when having to choose between the 3 FDA approved brands.  I read everything I could find.  I joined user groups and asked a lot of questions.  I still walked into my appt where I needed to announce my decision wrestling with the decision. 


In the end I chose Med-El based on their electrode array options.  They have an extensive range of electrode arrays and my surgeon said he could use a test device during surgery to best choose a electrode array to match my cochlea.


After receiving my Med-El CI, I learned other things that  made me happy I chose Med-El .  They include:

-excellent customer service with regional reps (someone we can reach out to by email or phone)

-5 year warranties not only on the surgery processor kit but also on upgrade kits later on  (presently the only brand in the US offering that)

-new processors are designed to work with all older internal components so everyone can use new processors (I had just assumed all brands did this, but found out they don’t all do this.)


Wishing you the best of luck on your CI journey!

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Yes, I was overwhelmed at having to choose too.  My choice was based on backwards compatibility for the implant to new processors, the MRI compatibility (though I think AB is releasing an implant that's MRI safe now too) and the range of electrode arrays.  It felt important to me at the time to try to retain any natural hearing I still had. 

I'm not sure I still think that, to be honest.  I was only implanted with my first CI in April but it is starting to feel like this is how hearing is supposed to sound now.

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Here is a great example of Med-El ‘s level of customer service that just happened.


I don’t know why but at least one CI company has stopped selling implant disposable batteries to its clients.  This has caused a big problem for people who had been receiving implant disposable batteries monthly under their insurance.  You can find posts about this on HearPeers.


Med-El USA posted on their FB page that they will continue to offer disposable batteries to their clients.  I am glad because my insurance covers monthly implant batteries. 

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My audiologist believed Med El was the best choice for me due to my love of music. That was the swaying vote plus the MRI safety and backwards compatibility. But if it was suggested the other brands would be better for music then I would have gone in that direction.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

From my experience I would say the customer service is the best I’ve ever experienced of any company. They’re always willing to help or find someone who can. I’m very happy with both of my implants and Sonnet processors. Definitely good all around. Also this site is 5e best for troubleshooting. Very knowledgeable people here. 

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Music is fantastic with my Med-El CIs.  I LOVE the return of music to my life.

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  • HearPeers Heroes



I chose Med-El mainly for the following reasons:

1. You can have a MRI without wearing a special headpiece or having an operation to remove the magnet that is inside your head. 

2. They have a number of electrode arrays and if none of them is suitable for your cochlea they are willing to make a customised one just for you. 

3. The 5 year warranty on the kit. Note that the internals are 10 tea warranty which I believe is standard across the brands. 

4. They have BTE and off the ear audio processors so you have some flexibility especially if you're vain! 

5. I wanted something where the sounds would sound like what I was accustomed to when I could hear normally. I am almost 3 weeks in since activation and I can honestly say that most people sound the way they did to me several years ago. Only with a few does it sound slightly robotic but I'm sure that my brain will sort things out soon. 

6. I wanted to be able to enjoy music as I once did. Right now I can pick up some of the beats of music I've never heard before. Today while driving home, I was able to make out all the songs being played on the radio, which I had known as a teen. I could make out the voices and the music. So I'm sure that in time I will be able up fully make out new music. 

7. I held the internal piece in my hand and it was so flexible, which put me at ease. I didn't get to do that with the other brands but I don't think they are as flexible. I could be wrong on that. It's just my personal opinion. 

8. I don't believe they ever had a recall. And I believe that their fault rate is extremely low. 

9. I was hoping to retain my residual hearing. I ended up losing much of it but I have gained far more than I have lost since I don't have to lipread anymore! 

I think that's it ?

Med-El hasn't disappointed me. 

Of course there are features of the other CIs offered by other manufacturers that I would love to have but I'm sure that they will be in future models released by Med-El which I can get when I'm ready to upgrade. 

Please let us know what you finally choose. We are all in this together. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Customized electrode arrays if needed! I forgot that part @Jewel!


That is really cool!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I have no more to add. 

- MRI, residual hearing and the compatibility with internal part with new processors, because the internal one probably will not be replaced  in your life, with exceptions.
The internal array are flexible, and perhaps I could reach to retain the residual audition.
The posibility of one unit procesor. Sincerely I was my doubts, but now I don't want a BTE processor in the future.


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I chose Medel for several reasons:

1.Preservation of fine structure,

2.Electrode chain,

3.High quality of the processors (Sonnet),

4. and guarantee of 10 years of the implant (Synchrony, in Argentina).

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I choose MedEL for all of the above and most important reason is also their excellent customer support,if you have any questions or problems they are there to help you no round around.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi,I haven't had my CI yet,it's coming up this coming Tuesday,Jan.15th! I also chose Med el,for my unilateral implant.I chose it for the MRI capabilities,my love of music,and I liked the flexibility.Also,I like that the Med. El company is only about 60 miles from where I live.I will post later on,as l know more about things will work for me.

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