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Polls: How can we improve using polls?

Mary Beth

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  • HearPeers Heroes

We just learned how to create polls in HPs and have begun to test them out.  It seems like we could make the polls more user friendly.

First....it sure would be nice to see who responded to each option.  The creator of the poll is supposed to be able to see that info now but I must’ve done something wrong because I can not see that info.  Is there anyway to make that info accessible to all?

Second....the poll disappears further and further up the thread as we add our comments to the topic.  Some people see the question and add comments and never scroll up and find the poll to enter their selection.  Is there a way to keep the polls visible at the top of the activity list......separate from the comments so everyone easily sees the polls?

@MED-EL Moderator


Does anyone have other suggestions for making the polls more user friendly?  I think this feature can be fun.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Interesting....our comments led us to page 2 in the poll topic and the poll shows up again at the top of page 2.  That’s cool!  

@MED-EL Moderator

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Hi @Mary Beth


Thanks for your comments and suggestions. Unfortunately there is no easy way for us to change the poll settings according to your suggestions. I would suggest always adding "Poll" to the title of the topic so people know and get used to see the polls at the top.  

Regarding seeing who voted in each poll - I have changed this setting so you should be able to see now (or at least in future polls). 

I hope this helps!

Kind regards, 


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